[Taking Payments] Mad Max Road Warrior Leg Brace

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@Jbeltram4 , thanks dude, yeah they look about the same, I think the Solo lower legs are a little thinner and longer, though to be honest I might swap mine out for TTM18 as the shorter the better when it comes to Mel ;)

Is anyone interested in the rest of the tools mentioned by cpoll36? I'm sure he can make these no problem.
Hey folks, need some help to move the prototype forward. I don't have access to my max figure though need to know the width measurements of the boots you're all using, then I can average the final measurement out. Best way to do this is measure the bottom sole area where the heel ends as that's where the brace wraps around. So if you can all post in mm that would be great.
To be honest I'm still looking for a pair of boots that work well with my older Iris outfit set which has a very slim tapered cut to the ankles. I'm wondering if Tatiana (Striped box) would be interested in working on a run of new Road Warrior boots.
To be honest I'm still looking for a pair of boots that work well with my older Iris outfit set which has a very slim tapered cut to the ankles. I'm wondering if Tatiana (Striped box) would be interested in working on a run of new Road Warrior boots.
interested bro !
Here are some progress shots courtesy of Dmitriy. Looks fantastic so far!

Also there's a possibility of a metal and wood shotgun and belt tools if there is enough interest in those? So that's the axe, wrench, combat knife, swiss army knife, and spanner. Should be starting up a thread soon, though feel free to express interest here too.

So just posting some measurements for the boot I've sent Dmitriy. We want to get this as accurate as possible. One thing I noticed on the Han Solo body are the lower legs are really long, so we will still measure this out against the ttm18 leg wich looks a little shorter (I would reccomend swapping this out with the han solo lower leg. I'm even thinking about using these rubber feet instead of peg feet as peg feet still add too might height. Mel was a short fellow so he shouldn't look too tall ;)


I'd also be down for a shotgun. Having seen the quality of Dmitry's work on Facebook, if it's as reasonable as the leg brace, I'm in for that too.
Also just spoke to Dmitriy and he said the production model will have a lighter finish for the long straight metal parts and copper washers.

These long metal parts will be also be straight and not have the bend.

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