Re: The SHO-NUFF! Project - Custom 1/6 Art Figure {FINAL UPDATE! BALANCE NEEDED!}
Hey my Last Dragon brothers! This isn't really a figure update but more a love update! Sorry I could't post this sooner but dealing with the new little lady in my life has robbed alot of time from the forum. Not that I'm complaining though! Lol!
Last Saturday I had the oppurtunity to attend The Last Dragon 30th Anniversary celebration in New York City! It was a real beautiful thing! If you follow me on Instagram of Facebook you have probably seen these already but I wanted to share them with our forum brothers and especially everyone that is part of this wonderful project of ours!
You know I had to bring Sho with me and he received the utmost love and praise from the fans, key cast members from the film and lastly, Helen Carry (Sho-Nuff's Mom)!!!
I also attended a screening with the cast and fans that was just indescribable! The energy and love for the film was there in full force! You had to be there to really feel it! So awesome!
So below I will post some pics and captions from the event. Prepare to see a lot of Mag cheesing it up as I couldn't control the love and excitement pouring out of me that day! I hope you all enjoy!
P.S. I have heard back from Corrose yesterday and he hopes to get back to work on the shades this week! So that a positive right there!
I present The Last Dragon 30th Anniversary Event Featuring Sho-Nuff in 1/6 form!
First off the night before the show this occured! Taimak and his Fan Page reposted Sho-Nuff on Facebook and Instagram!
Grab bag that came with your ticket to the event! Chopsticks and a fortune cookie by the master!
The legendary Hector Martinez! If you don't know Hector has the baddest Bruce Lee collection on the planet as well as The Last Dragon and everything else martial arts! Hec blessed Sho-Nuff with a spot at his table among his memorabilia! What a true gent!
What came next was the highlight of the whole event! Helen Carry Sho'Nuffs mother just happened to be walking by as I had placed the figure on the table! I was shaking in my boots waiting to see Ms. Carrys reaction! Thank god she loved it! She teared up and said that's my son! Next came a big hug and kiss! Melted my heart brothers!