Just received the 2 pairs of coveralls I had ordered a whiiile back, thank you so much Darth Magnus for making this project come true & not forgetting a detail I had asked for.
I had ordered the regular coveralls with bullet holes but I also wanted one without the bullets holes, because these coveralls' color is my favorite and I figured, despite the collar being a bit shorter, I could make another H1 variant, as the color from the final run wasn't green enough to me.
Well it turned out perfect. I still have to work a bit on the collar, but man the color is stellar on these. I couldn't take a picture that captures the true color.
Yunsil has done an amazing job once again, you can't beat this quality.
I'm saving the bullet hole version for the TOTS release as I don't own any H2 headsculpt.
Magnus, you're a legend. Thank you so much mate.
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