Full figure Willy Wonka by Cult King - SOLD OUT

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Hey Owen, can you let me know what email you sent to Denny please? Just noticed that the one from March had an estar digit and the one from the other day that i posted was the correct one, let me know please, thanks
I follow Denny on Facebook but the figure hasn't been revealed yet. Is this the only place to order/pre-order the Wonka set? If that's the case i'd like to get in on it :) email is [email protected]
All emails are submitted.

Really sorry.
Wonka is revealed next week.
Changing fabrics.
This will be the really exciting me for years. I ak back and also in a couple of months, jimi wil be revealed too. Sorry it took forever.....
Looks like in a few days?