Hey Cap, Joker and Platty , we are locked in on the solid Sky Fall Dark Grey suit.
It looks like the Solid Grey Suit will satisfy 90% of the Bond fans as that suit
is pretty appealing to everyone as deposits are coming.in each day for the dark Grey Suit we have lined up.
I think we will hit our numbers.
That said, as I have already mentioned , I have a email out
to Yunsil and one other party to discuss including a
possible Interest for a Special Edition low run Bond Suit to accommodate
some friends. Haven’t decided yet but Waiting to hear back but for sure, the ship is sailing as soon
as we hit 25.
I had a guy from FB email me today asking about an
Order for a bunch of Bond fans and I told him 25 is it. Not doing
more as it is a pain ( See Short Round and Chilli’s run)
Hoping to hear back soon from Yunsil and the other source