Hi Doggie!
I love the fact that you have managed to change both the network and the superior hardware in an exceptional way!
I'm following every post you publish with great curiosity and enthusiasm for this project, being a big fan of the film.
In this regard, I noticed some minor imperfections that must be changed before having the final prototype, if for you it's okay I would like to list them to help you improve them
1) Curiose George book.
I saw that to make the book you bought a copy, you took the pages and miniaturized. i have the same version of book, The work is really fantastic and came out well about the quality of printing, the problem is that the book is a reprint version of the 75th anniversary and not the original one (that is the one used by forrest in the film).
the differences are very few, but it’s only one that must be evaluated, and it’s the page where the in film he put in the feather. in the reprinted version the sky is very dark, almost gray. in the original one it is a big blue sky. I think that page have absolutely to be screen accurate
2) Hat Logo
unfortunately there are many online versions, however the one you choose is a replica but it is not the original one

3) Bow on the box of chocolates
looking the photos it seems you made 6 "circles", plus the one above that is split, while in the original there are 12 arcs (maybe 13) plus a single circle on top

4) corners of the suitcase
I see with pleasure that you have installed them, but IMHO I believe you can do better if you print them in 3D (as you made with the hardwere). moreover it would seem all more homogeneous, i think the corners also in reality are made of the same material as the hardware

5) chocolate
this is just to understand more than a problem, because it seems that there is a hole (bigger than the hole for the other chocolates) empty, and i've not hunderstood

a small thing that could be changed (not important) is the color of the inner box that contains the chocolates, it should be golden (I also bought this box) not brown

6) ping pong paddle
there is no real referential image, I had not time to look, but the handle of the racket seems really short to me
Hi Doggie!
I love the fact that you have managed to change both the network and the superior hardware in an exceptional way!
I'm following every post you publish with great curiosity and enthusiasm for this project, being a big fan of the film.
In this regard, I noticed some minor imperfections that must be changed before having the final prototype, if for you it's okay I would like to list them to help you improve them
1) Curiose George book.
I saw that to make the book you bought a copy, you took the pages and miniaturized. i have the same version of book, The work is really fantastic and came out well about the quality of printing, the problem is that the book is a reprint version of the 75th anniversary and not the original one (that is the one used by forrest in the film).
the differences are very few, but it’s only one that must be evaluated, and it’s the page where the in film he put in the feather. in the reprinted version the sky is very dark, almost gray. in the original one it is a big blue sky. I think that page have absolutely to be screen accurate
2) Hat Logo
unfortunately there are many online versions, however the one you choose is a replica but it is not the original one

3) Bow on the box of chocolates
looking the photos it seems you made 6 "circles", plus the one above that is split, while in the original there are 12 arcs (maybe 13) plus a single circle on top

4) corners of the suitcase
I see with pleasure that you have installed them, but IMHO I believe you can do better if you print them in 3D (as you made with the hardwere). moreover it would seem all more homogeneous, i think the corners also in reality are made of the same material as the hardware

5) chocolate
this is just to understand more than a problem, because it seems that there is a hole (bigger than the hole for the other chocolates) empty, and i've not hunderstood

a small thing that could be changed (not important) is the color of the inner box that contains the chocolates, it should be golden (I also bought this box) not brown

6) ping pong paddle
there is no real referential image, I had not time to look, but the handle of the racket seems really short to me