I saw that Adam gu is working (do not know if as a comission or for fun) but if we want quality we should ask him for a small run... can you imagine this Joaquin With Addblue + Adam gu...
I saw that Adam gu is working (do not know if as a comission or for fun) but if we want quality we should ask him for a small run... can you imagine this Joaquin With Addblue + Adam gu...
I saw that Adam gu is working (do not know if as a comission or for fun) but if we want quality we should ask him for a small run... can you imagine this Joaquin With Addblue + Adam gu...
Are the deposits due yet?
Big question is what body? It's got to be very thin.
Hi Tacoma
If you guys want to do Addblue, we can do it
let’s see if we can get the interest back.
Yunsil is currently doing one but Addblue will
be awesome and up there with Katoworks
Hi, how is the project going? If you want to start, please add me to the list
I’ll be interested. Regret selling my spot on the other run.
Will it be yunsil ?
Interested. Please add me in
I think you may open a new post for this project, coz there are lot of collectors doesn’t notice, and the guys who are already on the yunsil run may also want this addblue outfit too like me.Got you added Ryan . I updated the list without the guys who are already on the Yunsil run to give us a more realistic count.