ANH Buckets

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Very iteresting but if they are symmetrical they will always look off and I think the width of the dome is where it looks to be suffering, just go asymmetrical and be perfectly imperfect....the empires helmets got distorted by the dark side of the force anyways
Ok Gents, were off to the races. I'm working with my guy to get the correct sizing and try and fix the speaker so it's a bit smaller.

I will also ask him to put a more defined nose bridge. Looks like he forgot that. Here's the comparison so far.

Even while imperfect, they are much, much, much improved over anything that's out there.

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Great initiative! :rock

It does seem like the dome should be larger compared to the front mask. It might look worse than it is because of the temples looking the way they do.


You can see the effect here in the middle picture and then the bottom picture makes the dome look too wide instead. It's funny how a little symmetry can throw things off completely.

If you do the effort why not try to do the asymmetrical and everything will be as perfect as it can.

Edit: Photo stolen from, a great site worthy of a visit.
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Nice edit. You can definitely see the difference when you fix the temples. Although the back is pinched too close, so the top of the head seems a little off.

To fix it might also flatten out the face, which I want to avoid. I need to talk to my guy, I don't have unlimited expenses.

But even still, this is so much more accurate the the SS or Marmit.
Re: ANH Bucketts

referring to the whole bottom half of the helmet - with the tubes and mouth area. It just looks off to me, could be that it doesn't have the blacks or anything next to it for comparison.

I didn't know you were making it symmetrical - that could also be a factor in making it appear off. If it were asymmetrical, then it might look correct.

I measured the mouth area, and even with the helmet being much larger than the Marmit, the measurement between the teeth (mouth) and where the face ends to the speaker is shorter. So its actually smaller than what we see on the Marmit.
if these are for sale how much. I would like to get to for my luke and han stormtrooper outfit

I don't have pricing yet, because I am still paying out of pocket for the design and R&D.

I won't be offering them as affordable as an inexpensive head sculpt, largely because it's costing so much.

If we can get a group order I can come down with pricing, as I have to pay someone to mold and cast.

Thanks for asking, brother. I hope these would be really appreciated for those of us who want an accurate Sandtrooper or Stunt helmet.

The similarities are there...just needs a little tweaking.

Anyone interested in seeing me complete this at 1/6th? This would go on a Marmit or SS....most likely my Marmits.
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Hard to believe these are the same helmets, but what I am trying to do is get the sizing right from all angles. It's really unfortunate that the back got pinched, I am still trying to figure out how that affected the original.
I can't do a lot of altering to my current sculptures, because of the material used. But I am working on painting it so you can get a better idea of a completed helmet. I need someone to help me mold and cast so I can test modifying the black brow over the eyes, and some other small tweaks.

I also got the right dimensions for the current helmet, before any changes are made.

I'm definitely spending some money here on R&D.
I started doing a mock-up paintjob in photoshop, but my boss thought it prudent to do real work instead.:cuckoo::lol

I would like to get a couple of these, but how the hell am I supposed to paint it too look halfway decent? It would most likely look like crap.

I wonder how the chinese guy who sell the medicom look-alike 1/6 helmets on ebay does it. I guess there is a factory type place there that does this sort of things on the side.
Sweet, Anwe. I think I found out most of my problem.........the angle of the helmet when I took photos.

If this doesn't get some reactions I will be really surprised. Of course this is just for my art collection, not for resale.

Here's the latest with some paint testing before I sand and final paint.

I started doing a mock-up paintjob in photoshop, but my boss thought it prudent to do real work instead.:cuckoo::lol

I would like to get a couple of these, but how the hell am I supposed to paint it too look halfway decent? It would most likely look like crap.

I wonder how the chinese guy who sell the medicom look-alike 1/6 helmets on ebay does it. I guess there is a factory type place there that does this sort of things on the side.

Look at my custom Marmits, they were painted grey, then white. They came out pretty good. I think if these are molded and casted in plastic the print lines can be sanded away.

Here some photos sanded a bit better:]


looks good SB.
the surface texture looks a bit bubbly or something...........not sure how to describe it. was that the art you were saying could be sanded out? dig the shape & size though.