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Yeah, I think so too. They work, but I think there is a happy medium.. Here is the size increase on the 3D Print at 103%:

x: 51.5 mm
y: 51.6 mm
z: 51.36 mm

x: 51:689 mm
y: 51:689 mm
z: 51:562 mm

I don't know how to translate this into a properly sized increase.

Can you clarify what you mean? The helmet is a complex shape, but if you know what the measurement of one feature is relative to a marker, the rest of the model will of course scale proportionately.

i.e. I think if we know that the measurement we want from top to bottom on what's sometimes called the 'vocoder' or grill -- is x mm when the helmet is viewed head on, you could draw a vertical line the required distance and scale the whole model against that line. That's what I would in Rhino, but I'm guessing this thing was sculpted in ZBrush or similar. I find Zbrush to be more of a pain for precise measurements, but it's not impossible. You could even save the Zbrush model as .obj and port it to something like Rhino ...
Yeah, I think I'm figuring it out. From tip of the check to the other at it's widest part, where the ears wrap over the cheek it was at 5.15CM, the height of the mask is pretty much the same, so we're going to increase it to 5.35CM. The HT seems to be around 5.45 at that same mark, but it's ears are much wider that wrap around the check, so of course it's wider. I think this is a good jumping off point. If it's too large we can drop down to 5.25CM and I think well be good.
That is a thing of beauty! Have you reshaped your armor too? I've been thinking about doing that. Looks great!
No, not the armor, but I am mixing and matching between Marmit and Hot Toys for various looks, just like the movie had so many slight details different between the troopers.
No, not the armor, but I am mixing and matching between Marmit and Hot Toys for various looks, just like the movie had so many slight details different between the troopers.

Hey Solo, that looks like it's coming along nicely. What did you use to smooth it out? I'm still thinking they should be a little bigger though. I looked at those calculations that you posted and checked the 103% measurements. I got these results

X: 53.045mm
Y: 53.148mm
Z: 52.900mm
Hey Adam. Yeah, I finally figured it out. I was able to have him increase the helmet by 2mm, which brought it to the specs you posted. I just ordered one at that spec, then I am going to order another at 52.045mm. So I think we should be covered. I actually think the helmet at 100% isn't too small if you use a slim body. But if we cast it we need it bigger anyway because casting shrinks the size and also we need variations. So we should be covered with both of the increases.

I used Mr. Surfacer 1200, although next round I'm considering using the 1000. I ordered super fine detail on these next helmets so I won't need that much surfacer and so the details can stay in tact after a few coats of spray paint.

Current order:1:6 Scale accurate stormtrooper helmet
in Frosted Ultra Detail
5.324 cm 5.324 cm 5.31 cm
Third helmet ordered:

1:6 Scale accurate stormtrooper helmet
in Frosted Ultra Detail
5.22 cm 5.22 cm 5.206 cm
Third helmet ordered:

1:6 Scale accurate stormtrooper helmet
in Frosted Ultra Detail
5.22 cm 5.22 cm 5.206 cm

Sounds like we're really getting somewhere with this now. Good work mate! Now what we need is a decent caster to come forward. Any takers out there?
Nice work, guys. I only work with metal casting, so I'm no help in that department.

That said, I'm in as soon as you have a decent-sized helmet. All over it!
Ok, I'm a terrible painter, as I did too many coats and terrible's a learning process. Here is the latest as an idea of what can be done...with thre med printing media and some lazy detail work:

With speaker mics.

Looks stunning.:clap

I still think it's just a tad undersized, but jeez - why couldn't HT have given us this style of stunt stormie sculpt. It just screams ANH.:gah:
Thanks, gents. I have two larger versions coming. I'm trying a couple different sizes, probably doesn't hurt to have variations in the helmets, just like the movie. I think it looks really good. I'm a terrible painter when it comes to details, but I got by without it being too terrible.
Thanks, gents. I have two larger versions coming. I'm trying a couple different sizes, probably doesn't hurt to have variations in the helmets, just like the movie. I think it looks really good. I'm a terrible painter when it comes to details, but I got by without it being too terrible.

Can't wait to see - once the size is nailed, this could be THE definitive stormie helmet to have.
I'm not sure we're really undersized, but having some larger ones solves any feelings of unrest. Dudes, we are there!!

Do you have a straight-on neutral pose pic? The undersize thing is a bit hard to judge/confirm with the angles and body positions in the pics.
I think's just resting on the neck it's not plugged in so I don't get good angles, but just like the guys in the film some are drowning in the hear.
