ANH Buckets

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Interest List

d.r.37 (2)
ZE_501 (6)

...what are you going to charge per bucket?
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I’ve been thinking long and hard about that. This is not an effort to profit, but to cover time, costs and to allow me to buy more materials as my molds will wear out. Once I get going and get this down I’ll produce more things, like custom Jawa blasters and things like that.

I’m thinking $25.00 for a plain white cast, $35.00 for plain white cast with speaker mics and decals. It’s pretty time consuming to do the cast right now, since I am rotocasting them by hand and I can’t mass’s one at a time, for now. Rotocasting allows for them to be hollow, so you can put a head inside, as well as lenses.

**Does not include replacement lenses. I haven’t found a material to use that I can cut and send with the buckets just yet.

Discounts will go to the original crew who chipped in earlier and that I had to refund due to the project freezing. Also, if someone wants multiples I’ll consider discount.

I’m not sure if I am up for painting the helmets and doing decals, but if I do then I haven’t calculated the costs for that.
This project is awesome solobones and the latest casts came out really well. I'm very keen to join your interest list for two helmets (with speaker mics decals). If you do decide to offer an additional service to paint them / apply decals / add lenses then I would definitely upgrade to that option as well. Can't wait to see more.
So let's call the cast w/ speaker mics and decals loaded vs. standard?

Interest List

d.r.37 (2)
ZE_501 (6 loaded)
Bravomite (2 loaded)
Here’s a couple shots;


Interst List

Adam1138 (?)
d.r.37 (2)
ZE_501 (6)
mancutd (7)
Spudtrooper (1)
Tworivers (2)
Brilliant news the list has started. Congratulations Solo on all the hard work and time invested in this project. It really has been worth the wait. Thanks for adding me to the list too. Just to clarify i'm in for 7 fully loaded please. Cheers. :clap
Interst List

Adam1138 (4) Fully Loaded
d.r.37 (2) Fully Loaded
ZE_501 (6) Fully Loaded
mancutd (7) Fully Loaded
Spudtrooper (1)
Tworivers (2)
Bravomite (2) Fully Loaded


ZE_501 (6) Fully Loaded
Hopefully I can throw some lenses in. Now to try to find somewhere to pick up some dark green acrylic/plexi. Gonna be a fun project.
Can't wait to mess with these :)
Edit: 2 loaded helmets please.