Hi guys, just a quick update for you regarding the sculpt: Luisenigma1 and I are currently overseeing this interest thread and we are in communication with BeastMaster regarding his schedule.
The great news is that BeastMaster has confirmed to us that his long awaited Road Warrior sculpt is now definitely happening as we have interest from over 30 people!
The plan is that this interest thread will remain open for a while longer and then BeastMaster will open a final payment thread.
Please note that BeastMaster is currently busy concluding his Leon and Matilda run so just to warn everyone that this may take a while longer for the final payment thread to be started. It may take a while guys, so possibly not until later this year for the payment thread to go up, but it will definitely happen.
My thanks to everyone for your interest, I'm really looking forward to seeing this project happen!