Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: SHIPPED. SOLD OUT.

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Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

The best part of waking up...

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Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

Is Donnie in your cuuuuuup
Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

A modest receptacle[emoji1419] you're killin' it dude[emoji7]

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Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

How close are we getting to completion?
Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

How close are we getting to completion?
Sets without shoes, very soon. Sets with shoes will be probably a month. Unfortunately it took me longer to prep the shoes for casting than I had hoped....I sculpted them in wax based clay and it was incredibly hot here and I would have had melting problems sending them to the caster! So I had to actually cast a pair myself and then had to clean up the cast and prep it for multiple additional copies. However they are at the casters right now so it's just up to how long it takes him.

Once I have them painting shouldn't take terribly long, but he says probably a couple weeks to cast given the numbers I need.

My goal was within two months after the deadline, which would put me near the end of September (deadline was July 21st), so I feel like I'm doing ok on time so far.

While I wait for the shoes I am working on the other stuff. I have about 90 % of the pins, bowling balls, and white Russians done.

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Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

That's awesome you're really working hard on it much appreciated. I'm excited about the coffee cans thanks for the update
Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

Great communication and progress posts. Really like they way you handle this thread doc. :clap
Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

That's awesome you're really working hard on it much appreciated. I'm excited about the coffee cans thanks for the update

Great communication and progress posts. Really like they way you handle this thread doc. :clap

Thanks everyone!

Speaking of updates, you guys may be seeing a slightly different looking lid at the next update. Right after I took this picture I decided I did not like the paint texture of the lids. I used an enamel paint which usually isn't a problem for me, however I used a gloss enamel, and I find they can have some curing problems. Well, as I checked each lid I noticed a tackiness that was just not acceptable. So I stripped all the lids and I will be repainting them with either an acrylic or a laquer that shouldn't have those problems. The end product will look the same, of course, I just don't want you guys dealing with an inferior paint job!
Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

i will pay tomorrow,need everything thx a lot

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Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

payment sent for 2 sets (all with shoes),please check.thx a lot.
Sorry about the delayed response....received.

Ok, guys, I found much more suitable paint for the Folger's can lids but I wanted to get opinions on the color.

I personally think the darker blue looks better but I thought I'd get a few voices about it. I have two pics in different lighting so let me know[emoji3]



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Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

An obvious consensus! And here we are...


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Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

Finishing up all accessories and just waiting on shoes...


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Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

Excellent! Glad you went with dark blue lid can't wait to get these accessories!!
Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: CLOSED; sets being produced

these will make the already awesome custom by RM pop even more...and then when Kjun releases "the jesus"...its going to be a top chased set for sure!!!!