Bucky Barns - First Avenger _ Cast Update

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
Hi guys i have finally completed the BB sculpt. Its now open for pre orders and will be taking payments. If you need to confirm your slot please be good enough to make a half payment at least to keep a sculpt.
Pricing - Unpainted - $80 shipped worldwide
Paypal Acc - [email protected]
*Please mention the real name/SSF name/Address/ Sculpt name when sending the payments
Once paid please leave a comment

If you need both the versions

Bundle will be - $140 Shipped

Interested List
1. kurisuchie2kimi - Paid in Full
2. Brainiac
3. Imperial Spy
4. Billion
5. Natalie Rushman
6. ronin-5
7. Stevie Nielsen (facebook) - Paid In Full
8. Miez_LaKatz
9. TräshCät - Paid in full(in for second version)
10. guy66657
11. KittyCap
12. Star Puffs - NA
13. youbastards
14. ArtDamage
15. dkdk
16. Yosituna - Paid In Full
17. Myla Snyder - Paid In Full

Payment Made
1. Kristie Banks SSF(kurisuchie2kimi) - Both - Shipped
2. Michaela Heider SSF (TräshCät) - Both - Shipped to the painter
3. Yosituna - Paid In Full - Ex 01 - Shipped
4. Myla Snyder - Paid In Full - Ex 01 - Shipped
5. Stevie Nielsen (facebook) - Paid In Full - Ex 01 - Shipped
6. Brian Smith - Paid in Full - Ex 01 - Shipped
7. Billion - Paid in Full - Ex 01 - Shipped
8- User 1 - Paid in Full- Ex 01 - Shipped
9. Cee Bee - Paid in full - both



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Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger

Can't wait for this sculpt Waruna! :D Hopefully you're still doing the second one .. :pray:
Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger

Payment sent!

(I imagine I may be interested in the second headsculpt once pictures of that one become available in January...will it be possible to add that one on to my order and pay for it then?)
Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger

Payment sent! PM me if I messed up, I always feel like I'm going to mess up things when I make PayPal payments, haha. Oh, and I'd prefer if you didn't put my real name on the thread, too. Thanks!
Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger

Hey Waruna, I actually wanted Ex 01. Sorry I wasn't clear enough!
Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger

Hey everyone!

We've been radio silent on here for a little while, so I just thought I'd give you all an update - Waruna had some computer issues recently, so there was a bit of a delay in the printing/casting process. The sculpts have only just been sent for printing this week, but everything is full steam ahead again now! This month will be for casting, so Waruna will have the sculpts ready to ship approximately by the beginning of March.

Will keep you updated as soon as the prints and sculpts come back! Thanks!
Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger

Hey everyone!

The test print for the sculpts will be happening within the next few days, and Waruna just wanted to remind everyone that he recommends the TTM19 body for this headsculpt, just to avoid any scale issues for anyone when the heads get sent out!

Let me know if there are any issues, questions, etc!
