Bucky Barns - First Avenger _ Cast Update

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Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger



Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger _ Print Update

Hey guys,

If you're interested in the Howling Commando uniform to go with this sculpt, Gee Whiz customs can do a run for the jacket, pants, over the shoulder holster, and the belt for $275 USD shipped, but it's a minimum order of 10 sets. Please let me know if you're interested in the set asap and I can get that going. Thanks.
Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger _ Print Update

I would be interested since my attempt at the jacket failed miserably.
Re: Bucky Barns - First Avenger _ Print Update

Can i have sculpt?? I want ex2 version.
He's gonna look even more awesome once he's painted! :panic:

I'm still not sure if I want the dirty POW look or not ... hmmmm~~ would be limiting but then again it would look pretty great too. :dunno I thought, maybe I could get the serious one dirtied up and the smiling one clean ... hmmmm~ although, I'm not really planning to dirty up the POW outfit so I dunno, maybe a clean look for the face would work best ... :gah:
Hi guys... as my caster on leave till 1st if augeat the new bucky purchases will get delayed untill he comes back. Please bare with me on this issue. I will ask him to directly ship it to the respective owners once he is back