Nice to see somebody using the Dude decal I sent you the pic of :wink1:
Nice to see somebody using the Dude decal I sent you the pic of :wink1:
Awesome job Evil. :rock2
What are you talking about, he makes plenty of the Sideshow style. I think I've gotten most of mine from him in the Sideshow format. I just wish there was a Sidshow stand with a nameplate. I love the nameplates but I like the Sideshow style better than HT's oval. Oh well. Pick and choose.
But who is making Kabal from MK3? Is that Seb? Its gotta be Seb right? He is the only one crazy enough to tackle something like that! :lol
Don't know if he's doing one, but Kabal and Scorpion are actually for me![]()
TELL US! Are you making them or commissioned?
One is going to be commision for me and the other I will attempt to knock out myself. I will post WIP of one once I receive some stuff from ebay.