Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell
Ha, do you have a third to sell
Ha, do you have a third to sell
Well since galactiboy beat me to the punch, might as well throw mine up!!
The A-Team B.A. Baracus aka Mr. T!!
Clubber Lang TT body that has been beefed up a bit and head that I added the hair bridge between his beard and mohawk and filled in the chin part of his beard to match how it was on the TV show.
Clothes: Shirt is some red shirt I trimmed down. Overalls are from Newline with the legs trimmed to fit close. Weight belt is custom cut. Socks and shoes from Ebay.
Jewelry chains are all individual with various crosses. Bracelets are cut from brass sheets.
Toolbox and stuff is from ebay.
Now to finish up the other 3 guys :monkey1
Next round!!