Origins Kurgan Crusader
How much is it to add the headsculpt ?
it's $15 for the head sculpt to ship with armour, hopefully I'll receive it this week.How much is it to add the headsculpt ?
thanks mate, I hope so. The moulds captured the details well and it's definitely a step up from the DD kit. Most pieces cast as solid rather then roto this time as well, there's a bit of work to complete it but worth the effortexcellent work shock..........your details are stunning. i dare say everyone who ordered this will be pleased at the product.
I don't have the link, but search frazetta death dealer should get you there. Ps some Tigris kits are shipping this weekIs there a Link to the Frazetta Death Dealer figure ? ... I'm Intrigued.
With a little paint, with the additions I'm satisfied with the kp02 body, now just to get the wife to source some better material for the skirt, I also found tut for boots so will have a go . The belt to be finished will need an additional piece of leather across the bottom with some more gold details..... Can't wait for peters head to get here..... I also have to redo my helmet as this is still my first attempt which miscast on the join
just awesome,,, and yes i want a sculpt also...:wave
Is there a Link to the Frazetta Death Dealer figure ? ... I'm Intrigued.
Thulsa, thusla, thulsa.
Is the head available painted - cos I can't paint lol
Found this while looking for images of tigris.