Black Knight
Super Freak
Re: Gladiator tigris shipping
The Sculpt Looks Great.
The Sculpt Looks Great.
thank you should go to Peter the painter for the head sculpt he did a great job.The Sculpt Looks Great.
Thanks glad you like it,sorry for not posting pics of how I dremmelled mine, the storm the other night did a little damage to my house so got distracted. Send me some references of the pieces you need and I'll see what's involvedGot my faceplate and helm dremmelled out. Just need a body so I can start fitting it all together. Thanks for making this project happen.
Would you be interested in sculpting the parts for Connors leather and fur battle harness from the mccleods cs Frazier battle in the original highlander ? I always thought it criminal that medieval Connor dud not come with his harness cloak and shield.
Would you be interested in sculpting the parts for Connors leather and fur battle harness from the mccleods cs Frazier battle in the original highlander ? I always thought it criminal that medieval Connor did not come with his harness cloak and shield.
Here's a pretty good picture. So its not particularly complicated from a sculpt point of view compared to Tigris. just talking the round and square plates.
Yeah - its was the chest piece of tigris that just reminded me. Dremmelled off the excess and spray painted again tonight. Progress progress progress.
How you going with painting the head ?
I don't know of anyone that uses oils for headsculpts... acrylics are just so much easier to work with and have quick drying times.
BTW I was looking for more screen shots and I found he is actually wearing boots rather than sandals. I'll see if I can find some better shots
I also never realised he also played this guy
And this guy
Yeah check him out on IMDB. Those are the main notable roles, but shocktrooper is right - he was either a thug or stuntman on almost all Arnie's movies.
Does this mean Thorgrim is on the list of upcoming projects ?