Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

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That looks excellent, Mike! :rock I like the look of the jacket collar, I might do something to flatten mine a bit more as well.

Looks amazing. Can't wait to see some better shots, your photos always turn out nicely. Can't really tell from the photo but those glasses look nice too, which ones are using?

Thanks, Danger! Those glasses are a mystery even to me...I looked up the description over a year ago (many people have asked), and it's completely generic. They were sunglasses, but I heavily modded them.

Here are some better pics of my setup! :)

Great pics tbay and PCK. I'm looking forward to finally having a worthy Heisenberg on display.

you got it looking great pop. I cant seem to futz mine to look good yet. Pants are fine, but the jacket and especially the shirt are pretty underwhelming..

Thanks fellas. Still a bit of futzing and some missing items before he's looking good

When did yours arrive? Mine says its in Kennedy NY being processed . I'm assuming that means JFK; I never heard of Kennedy NY

Yup, Kennedy & JFK are one in the same :wink1:. Did you get yours yet?

heres mine, futzed big time and i also glued down the collar of the jacket and put a wire within the shirt collar as well. now im SUPER happy with the result!!




Now that is fuzzed to perfection! The wire in the collar & gluing down the jacket collar is a must! Makes it all look much more natural. Did you pad the belly a little too? It looks it

That's what I left out. I need a white tee also. Actually several white tees; they come in handy
Mike, what hands are you using? They look 'older'

these are enterbay Agent K hands Omar, getting harder and harder to find, but keep your eyes peeled for ebay, they come in handy a TON!

i forget the brand of fabric glue i have laying around, but its the little fabric glue pen from Michaels, the wiring under the colar of the shirt is a must too, thats what gives it the structure.

Dane and Mike, thanks for the kind words!
That looks excellent, Mike! :rock I like the look of the jacket collar, I might do something to flatten mine a bit more as well.

Thanks, Danger! Those glasses are a mystery even to me...I looked up the description over a year ago (many people have asked), and it's completely generic. They were sunglasses, but I heavily modded them.

Here are some better pics of my setup! :)

GREAT photos! This outfit set is gorgeous. Too bad about the glasses. I keep end up buying the same clothing set from eBay that has a decent pair of glasses in it, after being modded extensively, of course. Really nice setup though man. Keep up the great shots.
GREAT photos! This outfit set is gorgeous. Too bad about the glasses. I keep end up buying the same clothing set from eBay that has a decent pair of glasses in it, after being modded extensively, of course. Really nice setup though man. Keep up the great shots.

Thanks, Danger, and I agree about the set! :)
Ok got 2 more tracking numbers.

For those that missed out and are looking for a set I am sad to say this has completely SOLD OUT and there will be NO second run. Your best bet is putting up a WTB thread and hoping somebody gets in touch

2001 SHIPPED LY870171975GB

Tighfighter SHIPPED LY870171967GB
Love the set but my jacket has a ton of glue spots, any else have this problem? :(

That's unfortunate I didn't check em I'm afraid I just shipped em out lol. Grabbed mine of course and it was perfect just presumed the rest would be the same. Shoot Aaron a PM he might be able to sort something out for you with Yungsil.