Imaresqd1 Latest 1/6 Heath Ledger Joker WIP - NOT FOR SALE

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He doesn't come from money, in fact, from what I know, he has a very humble background.

The main reason he decided to leave the boards (or become minimally active) is basically he used to get a barrage of requests for stuff. I just think he's one of those artists that works best on his own time and doing exactly what he wants to do. I guess that's part of why working for a big company probably never suited him, and why he's not taking commissions at the moment.

Would love to see him start his own company - but it's much easier said than done. He's not very comfortable with the idea of selling large quantities of unlicensed work, so if he did start a company, he would like to do it right and make licensed products - and for that, you need a lot of capital obviously. So it's a bit of a catch 22.

Yeah, he really needs to be working for an established company.

This Joker headsculpt, the Bane one in the background and his dissapearance from these boards, make me think that he's working for a company now. Sorry Umair, but I'm not buying this "personal piece" thing. If my suspicions were to be correct, that would be great news for all of us. Just imagine.... imaresqd1 head sculpts at an "affordable" price for everyone (with body and clothes included, of course):yess:. I really hope this is the case.


Sorry Ed but I know for a fact it's not the case :(


Yeah, the brothers productions and iminime's of today are yesterdays Hot Toys and Enterbay pretty much.

I hope Adam can find his way to something like that at some stage.

Us freaks unite together and buy a licience and then hire Adam so he doesn't have to feel guilty. Problem solved.
This is my opinion, but don't ever see Adam working for a production company, as he is too much of a perfectionist. His WIP are way better than most people final product, and we would be happy to accept it like that, but he wouldn't release it like that until he was happy with it. There would probally lie an issue with the production company. He would take too long to produce at the rate they would want sculpts to be produced at, whether he is the best sculptor out there or not. Look at the DX Sparrow, they had to produce 10 different sculpts for licience inspection. We just hope we can get Adam round to our way of thinking, or atleast somehow we can agree to what terms he has. There has to be something that can balance to his way of thinking that we can do?
Crazy good. So disappointed still that he messed mine up :(

Put me on the list!

The hair. It was a feeble attempt considering I waited about 10 months for it, but oh well.
Wow amazing sculpt. Adam is personally my favourite sculptor. His work is amazing. That bane looks amazing!!!

I really wish that would come back and put these amazing sculpts for sale.
Hey Void, any chance Adam can send you some more pics of his other sculpt to admire close up. Say the two face sculpt. If we can't own it we can atleast enjoy the pics
Hey Void, any chance Adam can send you some more pics of his other sculpt to admire close up. Say the two face sculpt. If we can't own it we can atleast enjoy the pics


Neo Photoshop:
Thanks Void, I actually remember now seeing this, but still what a great piece. Let us know if he posts you anymore masterpieces.