IRIS: Raiders of the lost Ark (Closed)

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So I tried some Stiffen Quik on the Iris jacket and I guess I didn't leave it scrunched up long enough. It says 20 minutes so I let it go sometime after that but the jacket basically returned to normal.

But I then had Indy posed with his arm bent for a week or so. And then it clearly worked, the arm even remained bent when I took the jacket it off and it had lots of wrinkles held in place.


So I went ahead and did the whole process again, this time I'll leave it scrunched up for a week or so. Here's what it looks like -- I have the front of the jacket scrunched and tucked under the arm and then the rubber band to keep it in place, and the arms bent to keep the sleeves in place. I'll report back when it's done.

That Looks really great TonTon. I think I will give it a try as well with that stiffy stuff I have.

The thing I always liked about the Raiders and Temple jackets is they really look like he has been wearing them over time by how they hang on him. As much as the Last Crusade and Kingdom jackets are weathered and distressed for me it always looks like he has just put the jacket on.
Thanks, guys!

Hope they last too, I tried to follow Jacob Rahmier's instructions when he did Rzeznikk's Yunsil jacket. So the idea is to spray the inside material of the pleather, so I basically sprayed the liquid into the armpits for the sleeves and then underneath the liner in the shoulder/chest area until it was wet, some makes its way through the stitching but that can be wiped off and if there's some residue later it can be rubbed or peeled off.

Agreed, Ecklectic. I think there are two critical things with these jackets, making them look like they have a bit of weight -- that's really the goal with the folds in the shoulder area, wish I could get a couple more but those seem really tricky to achieve where they look natural, some initially looked like the type of angular wrinkles you don't want. I'm somewhat tempted to try again and use some kind of weights to create those
folds I'm looking for, also pushing the shoulders toward the neck seems to help achieve that as well.

And then the paint, which I've yet to attempt, seems pretty necessary to make it look like the "leather" itself has been worn a bit from years of use. Don't know where to start there but I'll have to dig up pics of all the great customs from over the years on the SSF thread.
The 1/8" one (B11) I believe is what I've used, not sure off-hand. They definitely have ones that'll work. I literally used one last week to replace a broken plastic SS one. They're not expensive in the slightest and you get a nice little "sheet" of them when you order. I use them all the time on custom belts, harnesses, etc. and have been doing so for years.
That is the ones I ordered after I sent an email to the site asking for some help. I use a 3mm sturdy leather strap on my satchels.

I have been searching all over for those buckles for my satchel so thanks a lot for sharing that info Mr. E.

Hopefully I should have them soon.
Heya all, on a similar, slightly related note...does anyone know if there is a kid-friendly version of Raiders of the Lost Ark? I mean without the melting exploding impaled people?

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