[Jnix] What would you like me to head sculpt for next?

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Well, with the ANH Luke unveiled sculpt, it looks like Jnix nailed another likeness that, like ANH Han before it, has eluded many other sculptors.

I suggest the next sculpt should also be one that has proved difficult for other sculptors.

The Road Warrior/Mad Max (Gibson),
A Clockwork Orange/Alex (McDowell),
ANH Obi Wan (Guinness),
ESB Luke (Hamill),
Snake Plissken (Russell),
Blade Runner/Deckard (Ford),
Riddick (Vin Diesel),
Blade (Snipes)

It would be ideal if there was already a released figure with good clothing to use as a base, ala Han or Luke. I suppose Obi Wan would be most popular in this list and a good follow up to H & L but I think the others here all have potential to do well also.
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I think the next natural progression would be ANH Obi Wan.

Some great suggestions, and I hope Jnix gets the time to explore many of them, he'll nail them all, but my vote for the next one is Obi, for sure.
ANH Obi Wan
ROTS Anakin
ESB Luke

I sense a theme in my picks. HA HA
I forgot ESB Luke! Hot Toys Bespin Luke is a figure that could benefit from a better head and would be another hit.
OH MY GOD! After re heading the entire Hot Toys Star Wars line lets re Head every iron man they made! The sculpt are not that bad lets have some original stuff or something that really does need a re head.
Sideshows Reservoir dogs
Sideshows Shaun of the Dead
With the Cult King Django and Shultz looking so good what about a Calvin Candy and Stephen
another Indiana Joneses always welcome but not sure anyone can beat MJ's
OH MY GOD! After re heading the entire Hot Toys Star Wars line lets re Head every iron man they made! The sculpt are not that bad lets have some original stuff or something that really does need a re head.
Sideshows Reservoir dogs
Sideshows Shaun of the Dead
With the Cult King Django and Shultz looking so good what about a Calvin Candy and Stephen
another Indiana Joneses always welcome but not sure anyone can beat MJ's


Looks like Jnix can nail any HS. But, gonna have to disagree with your statement about HT.
OH MY GOD! After re heading the entire Hot Toys Star Wars line lets re Head every iron man they made! The sculpt are not that bad lets have some original stuff or something that really does need a re head.
Sideshows Reservoir dogs
Sideshows Shaun of the Dead
With the Cult King Django and Shultz looking so good what about a Calvin Candy and Stephen
another Indiana Joneses always welcome but not sure anyone can beat MJ's


PLEASE GOD NO MORE STAR WARS.....another INDY would be welcome though.

Yeh. Logic. :lol