[Jnix] What would you like me to head sculpt for next?

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So far the agreement about the new project after Luke....is that there's no agreement at all :rotfl
Hence why I'd prefer Indy at this stage - I've got most of the ingredients ready for that. :lol

Me too. I have the full figure, but I am sure the sculpt by Jnix will take it to the next level. Fingers crossed :duff
Yeah If Scott's latest Deckard clothes set was easier to get ahold of Deck would be get my vote as I don't think we've gotten a truly definitive sculpt yet.
A smirking sculpt of indy would look great as we don't have a sculpt like that. Only one I remember wasn't that good. And then I remember the shrunken pf sculpt.
I would like him to do a really good a new hope Ben because that needs doing then no more Star Wars.

Tom Hanks is such a good idea :clap