Super Freak
Glad we got to the first price drop. Still hopeful we can get to that next level. Come on people. Chronicle is NOT going to happen.
Thanks so much DoggieDoc. I will update the first post.Soooo..... me and another are probably in... jra1984. We'll send deposits soon is that ok? That'd put it up to 18... so only 2 more for the next price drop...
I'll talk to John (jra1984) about getting his and mine in as soon as possible. I wanted to confirm with you it was ok to do so late. Thanks!Thanks so much DoggieDoc. I will update the first post.
I've decided to cap the run at 20 sets. Provided I receive deposits from those who have indicated that they are inbound then I will commit to picking up the last two sets (which I will hopefully be able to unload later) to get us to that total. That way everyone on the list can benefit from the next price drop.
Just a note on the GW version here. It looks like they used real denim for the shirt. When you do that, the texture looks really wrong at 1/6 scale. It looks more like large corduroy. It might look better to go with chambray which looks like denim at that scale.
View attachment 416380
I don’t have a horse in the race (unfortunately) but have you seen the geewhizz ‘proto’ Officer k coats versus the production?
I mean.....Christ.
No offence but comparing yunsil to GW is unreal. Like night and day.
That's good information to know. do you have any photos or screenshots? Just curious to see the difference in something like that.
No disrespect, but I don't see all that much of a drop off in quality between the proto and the production. The proto looks like it has been weathered. The overall fit isn't what it should be. Maybe bodies were switched. Considering I have used GW to produce 8 outfits, I have never had a problem with their quality. Here is the Jubilee outfit they just did for me. I see no need to bash them here. The only reason I even brought them up in the first place was because some of us have been trying to get a Grant figure done for years and just as things are going to happen, someone else puts it right there for the grabbing.
View attachment 416398
TORIBOX/YUNSIL 1/6 scale clothing run for Dr. Alan Grant from Jurassic Park.
View attachment 389959
Project booked with YUNSIL 23.11.2018 - LIMITED TO 20 SETS
First Sample Estimate: April 2019
Deposit Paid List:
1. Bravomite
2. Bravomite
3. rjszar
4. tacoma34
5. GreenLantern
6. connor8311
7. Elgreco
8. Arnax1985
9. Waruna
10. John sze
11. Jeronimo
12. Kris Santa
13. Slamscaper
14. jra1984
15. DoggieDoc
16. Hosam-G
17. Djfresh
18. Rmsceb
19. [Bravomite]
20. [Bravomite]
I have picked up slots 19 and 20 so that we can reach the price break for 20 sets. If any one not in the project wants to join at a later stage please message me and I will make these spaces available to you subject to receiving a deposit for the clothing run. First come first served.
Like most other projects on SSF, once we start collecting deposits they will be non-refundable.
Details for the clothing run are below but before we get started on the tour I would like to share the names of some of the other artists who will be working with us to help create the best Grant figures possible:
More details will follow on these aspects as the thread develops (you will need to order these items from the artists once available).
- If you look to your left you will see the super talented WARUNA WELIGAMAGE who has produced to two portraits for Dr. Grant (one with hat and one without);
- We are now approaching the brilliant DOGGIEDOC paddock who will be providing the accessories - at this stage we are considering (a) Grant's wrist watch; (b) fossilized raptor claw; (b) broken egg, life finds a way; and (d) flare(s) with (possibly) the Ingen case that housed them within the boot of the jungle explorer (possibly including flashlight and fire extinguisher) - estimated to begin May / June 2018;
- The final attraction on our tour so far is the gifted CORROSE who will be sculpting Grant's 6 inch classic timberland boots.
Special mention also to Hosam G who has been invaluable at getting this project off the ground.
FYI We are currently looking for someone to produce Grant's golden rimmed and green tinted Ray Ban Aviator sun glasses.
At the time of asking Yunsil advised that the first sample could be shown around April 2019. Anyone who has been on a Yunsil project previously will know that this time is likely to be exceeded but hopefully as the design is not overly complex our project may not take as long as some other recent ones.
Set will include: Long denim shirt (matched as closely as possible to screen used Ralph Lauren shirt), Khaki Polo Chinos (matched as closely as possible to screen used Ralph Lauren pants), white Henley 3 button short sleeve undershirt / tee, red neck bandana with pattern, brown belt + pouches [ACCESSORIES TO THE BELT INCLUDING VINTAGE U-DIG TROWEL AND LEATHERMAN MULTITOOL AND THE BELT BUCKLE ARE BEING SEPARATELY PRODUCED BY DOGGIEDOC]
View attachment 389965
Body to use: possibly TTM-18 (although open to suggestions)
Outfit will be limited to: 20pcs
Cost estimates from Toribox based on final number of sets produced (excluding Paypal fees and shipping):
1-9- See, here I'm now sitting by myself, uh, er, talking to myself. That's, that's chaos theory.
10-14 $320 - Ok, but you asked for it. Hold on to your butts!
15-19 $270 - Dr Grant, my dear Dr Sattler, welcome, to Jurassic Park
20 $225 - Malcolm was right. Life found a way
[n.b. this is just an estimate at the moment and the final price will be locked in once the proto is produced and the number of sets finalized with Yunsil.]
As this is my first project I thought I would share a little bit about me (for those of you who don't know me already). By day I'm a blood sucking lawyer and for obvious reasons I avoid going to the toilet when I'm near any T-rex paddocks. The rest of the time I'm a husband, dad, lover of film, music and 1/6 scale dollies.
I'm super passionate about Jurassic Park and watched the VHS as a kid until it fell apart. I know every line of dialogue from the movie and will throw random bits of it out there during everyday life (my poor wife); I'm a colossal JP nerd and when I was a kid I didn't want to be a movie star or a famous athlete, that's right I wanted to be a palaeontologist like Dr Grant.
We are very fortunate to already have some super talented artists lined up to assist us making our Grant figures and I can't wait to get started - let's make this happen!
If this project is successful then I would like to tackle other characters from Jurassic Park in the future so watch this space.
God creates dinosaur. God destroys dinosaur. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates custom 1/6 scale dollies.