Hello everyone. This is finally the thread for the Jurassic park accessory set to go along with the Alan Grant sculpt that is shipping and the Yunsil outfit in the works.
The set includes:
- 1/6 raptor claw
- 1/6 broken dinosaur egg
- 1/6 flare
- 1/6 light up flare
- 1/6 watch
- 1/6 leatherman multitool
- 1/6 U-Dig trowel in metal (this will be updated as its size is not very accurate)
- 1:1 raptor claw as an additional option
All prototypes are currently complete so I'd like to figure out how many sets I'll need to do. So let me know...
- Full set
- Full set plus 1:1 raptor claw
The full set is $150 plus shipping.
The 1:1 raptor claw will be an approximately $75 add-on (still need to get an exact casing quote on this).
The set includes:
- 1/6 raptor claw
- 1/6 broken dinosaur egg
- 1/6 flare
- 1/6 light up flare
- 1/6 watch
- 1/6 leatherman multitool
- 1/6 U-Dig trowel in metal (this will be updated as its size is not very accurate)
- 1:1 raptor claw as an additional option
All prototypes are currently complete so I'd like to figure out how many sets I'll need to do. So let me know...
- Full set
- Full set plus 1:1 raptor claw
The full set is $150 plus shipping.
The 1:1 raptor claw will be an approximately $75 add-on (still need to get an exact casing quote on this).