Andy I would be keen for 1:1 claw if you do decide to produce them with this project.
Cool I'll probably mold it up, then!
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Andy I would be keen for 1:1 claw if you do decide to produce them with this project.
Here's a decent amount of HD reference photos:
Thanks for letting me know. :hi5:Still in on this pending sight of the finished sculpt.
Thanks guys very much helpfull
Cool I'll probably mold it up, then!
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Very close to send my deposit. Sorry for the delay!
I'll send my deposit in by the 23rd, but I really hope we have a sculpt to see.
Agreed. Would it be possible to have the deadline extended pending sculpt photos?
Agreed. Would it be possible to have the deadline extended pending sculpt photos?
Cap'n Cook thanks for your message (and to the others expressing a similar sentiment). I'm not completely opposed to this idea (and originally chose 23 May on the expectation that pictures of the sculpt would be available) - I will check in with Waruna to see where we are in queue. A few of you have also messaged me saying you need a bit more time so I am happy to provisionally keep it open until Friday 1 June 2018 when it can be reassessed at that time. I'm eager for this project not to drift endlessly but appreciate a number of you would prefer to see pictures of the sculpt before jumping in - it's a bit of a balancing act and I will need to be respectful of those who have already put down their deposit. With luck we will have pictures of the sculpt available soon and this will be a mute point.Agreed. Would it be possible to have the deadline extended pending sculpt photos?
:yess: all received thank you.Just sent my deposit. Please confirm!! Thanks!! ^^!!
:hi5: Got it and thanks for staying in there - this project will go somewhere.... I guarantee it (said in my best John Hammond voice). Like you I'm passionate about JP and we will make this happen - at the end of the day, I would like the best representation of Grant that I can get on my shelf.Deposit sent. Wish we could have seen a sculpt. Alan Grant projects never seem to go anywhere.
I need an extension to next Friday myself. Sister's AC died and I had to buy her a window unit.
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