At the very least, he sells recasts. There are other recasts, in particular the MJ Choi Indiana Jones, that only he sells, so it's hard to not draw the conclusion that he's the one recasting it. He also doesn't see a problem with recasts, so there's that as well. I'd be interested to see his reaction when someone recasts one of these Super V heads.
Also, he seems to be a bit of a **** when there's a customer service issue. I've seen on Facebook where he will publicly shame people if they try to cancel an order. . . doxxing them, is the term. He posts their Facebook profile on his wall and asks people "Anybody know this guy?" and starts a big war.
He doesn't allow cancellations, but some people will still try to cancel, by filing a PayPal claim. So, it's a bit of a pickle, as far as who's in the wrong. But, it's pretty lame for him to publicly shame people that try to cancel. That's just the cost of doing business.