Head sculpture "My Indy" by WW - Closed

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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#17 on the list.

Changed to option #3 painted head & chest seperated from option #1 painted.

Paid deposit ($100) plus remaining balance ($150) for the raw sculpt #3

Will Pay Remaining for painted when final version is shown.

If im missing anything please let me know. Fantastic work bro!!!
An old photo from the last try I did painting Indie. I didn’t share it. 😢 and gonna do one more with the lessons learn, and kudos to all the painters out there making our sculptures come to life. Not the easiest thing to do.
Payment sent for two unpainted sculpts:

Head/neckless unpainted - deposit and Han discount ($105 + fees)

Head/chest all in one unpainted - deposit ans Han discount ($125 + fees)
$280 balance payment sent:
- #75: $130 balance for one (1) neckless with hat [$100 deposit sent January 31]
- #76: $150 balance for one (1) head/chest piece separated [$100 deposit sent January 31]

I might be interested in painted versions pending pictures of final paint. As others have said, some of the likeness appears to be lost in the eye paint.
Hi Waruna,
I'm trying to figure out my Indy balance. I want to get one head only painted and one head only unpainted. I ordered two Han Solo heads so would that be a discount on each head? I have paid the $100 deposit already.

So tell me if this is correct:
Unpainted Indy neckless with hat - $230 - $25 Solo disount - $100 deposit = $105 balance
Painted Indy neckless with hat - $380 - $25 Solo discount = $355 balance

Total balance $460

Is that correct?
Hi Waruna,
I'm trying to figure out my Indy balance. I want to get one head only painted and one head only unpainted. I ordered two Han Solo heads so would that be a discount on each head? I have paid the $100 deposit already.

So tell me if this is correct:
Unpainted Indy neckless with hat - $230 - $25 Solo disount - $100 deposit = $105 balance
Painted Indy neckless with hat - $380 - $25 Solo discount = $355 balance

Total balance $460

Is that correct?
Messaged you brother