Head sculpture "My Indy" by WW - Closed

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Balance of $131.25 sent for #27 Hyun Joon Yoon, head+torso one piece.
$131.25 = $250-$100(deposit) - $25(Solo project discount) + 5% Paypal fee. Let me know if this calculation is not correct. :)
Balance of $235 sent for #7 William Segars for two unpainted neckless sculpts (Option 1).

$235 = $460-$200(deposit) - $25(Solo discount). Just let me know if this is correct as well. Thanks!
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Balance settled

2 Indy sculpts. (1 painted neckless with hat-$391. 40 G&S) & (1 unpainted neckless version with hat- $236. 90 G&S) = $628. 30 minus $25 Han discount = $603. 30USD G&S minus Deposit sent = Balance to be $397. 30USD G&S
And here am I ;-)

Slot#13 Remaining 320 dollars sent as family

Payment for your Indy painted option movable head-

Beautiful work and happy I could join
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#24 Heiko Burkardsmaier
Neckless Head + hat
130 USD Balance - 25 USD (Solo discount) = 105 USD paid (Friends and Family)

Please let me know what I owe you for shipping
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Balance sent for Slot #16
Sculpt Option 2 - Head and Torso Separated: $150 balance - $25 Han Solo discount = $125

I’m not 100% sure yet, but I will likely go Painted. Thanks!
confusion here

the description of the options in first post and in post 297 are not the same?

Just to be sure would like the head and neck seperated.