Oldboy by Cheungkinmen

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Had to bring this to the next page! can't stop looking!:panic:
Yeah that would be cool if he had a place holding black suit and black shirt :)
Thanks guys, glad you like it. :)

The hair was (and is still) giving me headaches, learned a lot along the way, what I need now is fine tuning my hair gluing and placing technique.

@uscmhicks: What does "Scruffying up" mean ? I am not familiar with that term :p
Thanks guys, glad you like it. :)

The hair was (and is still) giving me headaches, learned a lot along the way, what I need now is fine tuning my hair gluing and placing technique.

@uscmhicks: What does "Scruffying up" mean ? I am not familiar with that term :p

I don't think anyone is. Forgive my alien language. :lecture:lol
The hair looks perfect , I just meant it looks as if someone needs to grab it and shake it around. :rotfl

I can't wait to see this come together now. :hi5: Keep up the great work mate.