Oldboy by Cheungkinmen

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Looks Fantastic! - Not sure if he was in Drive though?.... Will have to watch it again...
Looks Fantastic! - Not sure if he was in Drive though?.... Will have to watch it again...

hahaha I really want to do another like the Travolta Drive picture but no joke I did that pic in paint and it took soooooooo long to do. I was about half way through working on it and was like "is this worth it?" :lol
Great shots Chris , the hair on this doesn't photography well. It's the part I was worried I wouldn't like most but it looks amazing in hand.
This figure is a work of art, a shining example of what customs are all about. :clap
Wow awesome pics Chris, congrats man! I was seriously starting to panic mine got lost but it is now registering on USPS and left NJ today so hopefully tomorrow if not Monday!
I'm living through you guys that got it, as mine is still awall, LOL. More pics please...