1200 dollars of deposit sent, and yet, what we ve been told about seeing a proyotype in "one more week" isnt respected. im glad i didnt paid my deposit as i knew this would happen. Maybe its gona be time to get pissed guys, us as clients and collector should be respected, we keep getting promises of deadlines and they are NEVER respected, when its time to send deposit, we all do but when its time to get updates they re s nobody on the other side. we should stop shutting up and stop being ****** hostages of the people we send our hard earn money to. How much does it cost to make a prototype for an outfit like this, i can def tell u it doesnt cost anywhere close the ammount Alex already pocketed on this, and yet we ve been told a week and that week is long past. Am i the only one tired and pissed to get lied to by people im doing business with and sending a lot of money to ? i messaged Alex weeks ago and talked to him about the way me and a bunch of other clients were disapointed with the way he s been handling the Olbboy run, which has been paid in full by all since september and it still hasnt shipped, every week we get either a new excuse or even no answer at all. This is not right, this is no way to handdle business, this is no way to treat people. Im an artist too, i d be out of business if i was handling it this way. Im sorry to say that but some of us gota stop treating 1/6 artists like kings or fukin divas, almost apologizing to ask for updates, and thanking them when they end up actually doin what they are were paid for, this might sound stupid but im gona say it, they are not doing us any favor, they are running full time businesses, they are producing and delivering something that they were PAID by us to do.