Super Freak
It's true. The list has to start somewhere. We can spend months talking about who should be on the list before we even voteAnd there's really no reason to make it more than 5 because that just complicates things; we're trying to narrow it down. Sure this list can be revised 10 times, but it shouldn't. It's 5 of the most popular choices with nothing being too left field so these are all probably instant sell outs. I think this list is even solid enough to say that these are the next 5 figs that should be made (Well maybe something left field like Prince Akeem or So Nuff should get stuck in the middle to break it up). The only question is in what order
I know it's a pipe dream but I've been wanting this crew for a long time. But where would it end? I'd need at least Pink, Slater, Dawson, O'Bannion, and Wooderson! F__k Mitch though :lol
true, but what's wrong with having more than 5? as always, the polls and lists we create are not to dictate to rainman what to make and in what order (that has never really worked), but to show him what people are interested in. if anything on that list resonates with him, he'll make it. i don't think it's a good approach to assume any list is a definite release schedule. personally, i'd be much happier showing him a larger list of characters because at the end of the day it should be his decision, and that gives him more choice.
and i'm sure the list teddy posted are 5 of the most popular choices but not quite the 5 most popular (almost but not quite). some of rainman's regulars and oldest customers don't post as much. they post a want, it gets discussed, it gains a lot of favour and they move on. some of those choices should be recognized at least. there's nothing wrong with it, but the wants that are posted repeatedly are beginning to stick in people's minds as the most popular when actually, there have just been more posts about them by the same people.
oh and.... dazed and confused is a great movie. american graffiti, D&C, superbad - it's like the same movie spread over 3 generations :lol