Why are people requesting Walter from Rainman? Highly unlikely he could do better than Trevor and clothing is easy to come by for a bash:dunno
Though I could surely come up with an extensive list, I only have three that I would pay solid money for:
1. Al Bundy (and would love the scene with him sitting on the couch with his hand in his pants.) Wouldn't mind a Peg Bundy also.
2. Andrew Dufrane from Shawshank Redemption when he escapes the sewage pipe and raises his hands in the rain.
3. Ferris Bueller in the grey/white leather jacket and sunglasses.
Honestly, those would do me quite nicely gents.
Blitz I don't think its our place to tell someone what Rainman piece they want. If its a want put it on that Top Ten list and see what happens.
FYI to everyone. I am making a list no matter what. I have enough people that posted their top ten to create a mini-list of wants. The more people post the more I will add to the master list. I'll work on it Tomorrow, because I am getting mentally ready to go watch TDKR :nana:
Thats cool man if you only want three then I'll add those three. If you can think of anymore just let me know
There's plenty more, but those three are big for me.
A Christmas Story would be next on the list.
my list
Omar Little
Jack Torrance
Walter White
Dave Bowman
Anton Chigurh
Patrick Bateman
Dr. Strangelove
Tommy DeVito
Vito Corleone/Robert De Niro
Beatrix Kiddo
Blitz I don't think its our place to tell someone what Rainman piece they want. If its a want put it on that Top Ten list and see what happens.
I just think it's a completely unfounded request. What is wrong with the Walter white already on offer? I know it's a wish list but one of these might be Rainmans next figure, and the decision has to be made carefully out of a list of characters the Custom community has not seen or has not seen done justice yet.
It's like the unofficial iminime Fight Club thread. We've seen both characters done time and time again, yet people aren't satisfied with the already spectacular figures out there.
You could argue it's due to these figures being near impossible to find, which could at least justify Iminime doing Fight Club, but Trevor still has all three of his Walter White sculpts available, and people such as Moe and Entropy are still churning out outfits and accessories.
I know you can't stop people wishing, but it's down right frustrating.
I understand fully what you mean but its a Personal Top ten that means all figures are fair game.
A want is a want is a want. :lecture
Your personal top 10 is meant to be driven by your own personal desires and not what anyone else in the board thinks Rainman should make next.
I'm not weeding out any suggestions on this list nor will I judge it. I'm just going to compile it and post the results.
Its not even meant to tell Rainman what figure he should make next. Another artist might look at the list and decide he wants to tackle a figure on the list.
I am also curious to know what figures people want, but were afraid to mention previously, because they didn't think it would have interest. This should be fun
Only thing I ask people to do is not include a figure they wouldn't pay Rainman prices for.
I believe Rainman will be largely persuaded by this list, and that is why I don't won't repeat figures. Something original. Something quirky. That's what Rainman does best:exactly:
I understand where your coming from. I'm just expressing my frustration. A want is a want is a want is a want. And what I want largely differs from what others want:1-1:
Now let's get this list made!:hi5:
Your wrong actually. Rainman did Bill only some months after VM. Not a bad decision right?
My want for Walter is I am yet to see a Heisenberg that blows my socks off. Sure the sculpt is amazing but the costume side is sadly lacking. Just my opinion thougheace
Your wrong actually. Rainman did Bill only some months after VM. Not a bad decision right?
My want for Walter is I am yet to see a Heisenberg that blows my socks off. Sure the sculpt is amazing but the costume side is sadly lacking. Just my opinion thougheace
Hadn't the Velvet morning Bill sold out by the time Rainman decided to make his?
Also, anyone can tailor that outfit. Moe, Kato etc.. It doesn't have to be a full figure.
Hadn't the Velvet morning Bill sold out by the time Rainman decided to make his?
Also, anyone can tailor that outfit. Moe, Kato etc.. It doesn't have to be a full figure.
Nice Sig Teddy :clap
:horror Can't imagine a 1/6th world without Rainman's Bill
Yes it had sold out and then RM made his some months after. Hardly original like you are saying but a very worthy choice if you ask me.
You could probably buy the whole figure for what you would pay Kato for the outfit. Plus Kato would likely not make it.
Just a wishlist is alleace
Yes it had sold out and then RM made his some months after. Hardly original like you are saying but a very worthy choice if you ask me.
You could probably buy the whole figure for what you would pay Kato for the outfit. Plus Kato would likely not make it.
Just a wishlist is alleace
Teddy just brought up a great example, which you semi-accepted semi dismissed :lol
Thanks army :duff
I can make you one for say.......... a weeks stay at your pad :lol
- Travis Bickle
- Teddy Daniels
- Al (Quantum Leap)
- H.I (Raising Arizona)
- Anton
- Royal Tenenbaum
- Patrick Bateman
- Barton Fink
- Nucky Thompson
- Wyatt Earp
My top ten
I just think it's a completely unfounded request. What is wrong with the Walter white already on offer? I know it's a wish list but one of these might be Rainmans next figure, and the decision has to be made carefully out of a list of characters the Custom community has not seen or has not seen done justice yet.
It's like the unofficial iminime Fight Club thread. We've seen both characters done time and time again, yet people aren't satisfied with the already spectacular figures out there.
You could argue it's due to these figures being near impossible to find, which could at least justify Iminime doing Fight Club, but Trevor still has all three of his Walter White sculpts available, and people such as Moe and Entropy are still churning out outfits and accessories.
I know you can't stop people wishing, but it's down right frustrating.
My want for Walter is I am yet to see a Heisenberg that blows my socks off. Sure the sculpt is amazing but the costume side is sadly lacking. Just my opinion thougheace