I'm waiting to see the printed pictures, just seeing the 3D model, I'm not entirely sold. A really hard character to nail. :dunno
we have to pay upfront for a lot of things on the boards. I have to say I don't like the way this is taking. I paid without being 100% satisfied with the sculpt. Ok it's my problem but I'm sure I'm not the only one. Nobody would have paid without the reworked version anyway. We don't know if shipping is included (which makes me think it's not ahah) It's too late now and some members won't pay. That's a shame for everyone just because communication has been bad and the project was rushed.
Btw you can delete "Romain Durup" off the list, it's approximately my real name and I ain't paying twice!
Hey Guys
Thanks for your feedback, I usually use the project manager as the go to guy to make sure everything runs smoothly and I am very much disheartended to learn that not everybody is happy. I understand completely that you are taking a gamble by putting money forward, I appreciate the vote of confidence that you had in me, and it was my intention from the start to produce a piece that everybody was happy with. My first take was posted up (and I assumed was sent to each memeber as is usually the case for group commisions) with no feedback I assumed everyone was happy so I printed it out
it turns out that many of you were unhappy with the original sculpt but commented your dissatisfaction a little on the late side. I reworked the sculpt and reposted (did anyone get sent out the reworked pic via pm or email from godfather?) a few commented postivitley , it seemed , I had no negative comments so I assumed everyone was happy so I sent to the printer and again to the moldmaker
All I can do is apologize for the way this project was organised. It has only ever been my intention to produce excellent work for you guys and for myself, I can only do this though if those that are unsatisfied voice thier opinions so that I may take your feedback into consideration.
My hope at this stage is once you see photos of the printed piece that you are happy with the end product. I perosnally think that once you do see photos you will be happy
list updated:
hollywood cinema x2 : WAITING FINAL PAYMENT
owen-scott montague: PAID
mattzkn1ghtmar3: WAITING FINAL PAYMENT
Rahmier84: PAID
* Revol PAID
*Raymond Ferraro: PAID
A Jedi Warrior: PAID