Caine is working on the second run now. I didn't get any more interest, so I closed the list.
But the heads have not shipped yet, so I can ask if he can add one more.
I would need payment right away though.
*** UPDATE ***
He can add another casting.
If it's for you, go ahead and make another payment.
Info's on the first post if you need it.
Just saw this post, just wanna double check that it's still on the table before I shoot the cash over
Okay Hunterdnrc, another head cast, so I need payment.
Thanks, I updated the 1st post.
No more spots remain for the full outfit, unless one
of the three remaining unpaid spots drop out.
Does anyone who's on the outfit list that has not gotten head yet
want me to just ship it with the outfit in Feb?
Let me know.
Talked to Geewhiz yesterday. Looks like other projects got in before us.
And their rule is: First in, first out.
So we paid after the other projects. :lecture So any delays, is on us.
I tried to push it as much as possible, but I didn't get all the money until Nov 20th.
They're still going to push for 12 weeks(Feb 12th) for us and he'll keep me posted.
He said they're putting in lots of over time.
But it all depends on when they finish the project before ours.
I'm thinking it may not happen until the end of Feb now.
But I'll keep checking weekly.
looks good!
Only comment would be the leather patter seems a bit pronounced (maybe not to scale)? Otherwise, nice!
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