I'm ok with paying the $510 for the Toribox set if we have to. But if we can't reach the numbers to make the order at all I'm ok with going the Gee Whiz route
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Wow Yunsil's prices are really going up. I'm still in for one though. Would be great if we get 20 committed but I'm in even at 10 only.
i'm confident we can hit the 15 - 19 number, i'm still all in for the yunsil route.
Well, I'd probably still be in at 15 people. But I don't like paying $510 just for an outfit.
But obviously if we don't get even 10, Toribox is out. 10 is their minimum
What about parts? Like I know if I have to, I can source the boots, jeans and green undershirt.
Then if I paid a top tailor just for the leather Jacket and blue long sleeve shirt, there
would be a considerable savings.
Just thinking outside the Toribox.....:rotfl
It's all up to the project organizer to decide ultimately which tailor to use, if geewhiz is chosen, down the one of the guys might comission yunsil to do the outfit. Then no harm no foul.