I think the Head looks Great ....
Would Work Well for Last Action Hero too imo.
I would like to be added to the list for the whole set if its not to late
Beautiful sculpt :clap:clapPics of the head (still in wax):
Beautiful sculpt :clap:clap
Wow would love to use this for John matrix but the hair will be a issue.
This is just a sneak peek at the first assembled prototype. Still working on the overall fit... and also trying to see if I can come up with a better fabric, something more shimmery with less twill texture...
Don't worry... I'll most likely tackle John Matrix shortly as well!
:goodpost:ray:ray:ray:Dan that suit is looking great , the hs is pure Richards impressive work.in for this for no question .
Are you going to tackle the pumping iron version maybe the yellow world gym vest and shorts wavy long haired sculpt what do you think ?
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