[Scaletta] Edge of Tomorrow Rita Vrataski !2nd STAGE!

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Yes it is still happening. I’ve been in contact with Ilya but he’s not able to communicate regularly. The metal casting of parts is happening while I write this. Be patient as much as you can. It will happen in the coming months. That’s the best info I can offer you at this time. But it is happening, yes.
Any update on this project? It's been 3 years since the last update. Is this still happening?
Woodrob has not logged in since October 2021, does anyone have any further contact with him through other channels?
Woodrob has not logged in since October 2021, does anyone have any further contact with him through other channels?
Yes. He was pulled back into military service when the war started then he had some serious medical issues this past year. Enough that negates any further military service in the future. He wrote me a letter a couple months ago explaining what’s been going on. He’s also lost an artist from Ukraine. I’ve written him fairly recently, couple of weeks ago, but haven’t heard back from him yet. He’s not doing great but slowly moving forward. I’ll write him again and see if I can get him to respond and maybe even post an update. Say a prayer for our friend. He’s lucky to be alive.
Yes. He was pulled back into military service when the war started then he had some serious medical issues this past year. Enough that negates any further military service in the future. He wrote me a letter a couple months ago explaining what’s been going on. He’s also lost an artist from Ukraine. I’ve written him fairly recently, couple of weeks ago, but haven’t heard back from him yet. He’s not doing great but slowly moving forward. I’ll write him again and see if I can get him to respond and maybe even post an update. Say a prayer for our friend. He’s lucky to be alive.
Very sad to hear about Ilya condition and what he's gone through. I think it's easy to forget what has gone on and is still going on with the war when we're not a part of it and it's no longer on the daily news channels. Hope he's getting well and is able to recover.
Very sad to hear about Ilya condition and what he's gone through. I think it's easy to forget what has gone on and is still going on with the war when we're not a part of it and it's no longer on the daily news channels. Hope he's getting well and is able to recover.
Thank you for posting today. It's very appreciated. I'm emailing him today and will share your thoughts and feelings. It is sad but fortunately he's still alive and kicking. We just need to get him up to the best health and hopefully back to work again soon. Have a great day!
I have not heard a single thing from him. I’ve written quite a few times in length and in short. Still no word. I fear he’s not well and have no idea when or if I’ll hear back. I’ve got a really close relationship with him and am surprised I’ve not heard anything. I’ll keep trying though. You can’t give up on people you love. If I do I’ll be sure to post an update. Thanks for asking today. Sorry I’m not able to give you any information.
Just checked his Facebook. That’s some strange shit there for sure. I’d guess you’re correct in saying it’s been hacked by someone. Those are not his posts. Sad.
I feel terrible for Ilya and all he's going through. I sincerely hope he recovers, I really do.

At the same time, and I hate to even bring it up, but I fear that I and everyone else has lost the $300 deposits we paid. I am friends with him on Facebook and he hasn't posted on his personal page in a long time. I see others posting on there asking about the money they paid him. I hope he is able to come back and keep creating his works of art.
I’ve got close to $2K pre paid so don’t feel bad. Personally when it comes to Ilya and my relationship with him it means nothing to me. Love is all encompassing when it comes to close friends. It’s just life and things happen that are beyond any control. Sometimes you just gotta look at the bigger picture and forget the small stuff… money is nothing but a tool to be used to get us to the end of the game. His life and wellbeing are far more important, to me, than anything else. I’m not wealthy by any means and work hard for what money I do have but it’s nothing I even think about when I think of him.
And, on the other hand, and at some time in the future he might just show up in full swing again. We just need to hold good thoughts and hope that he’s alright, and that he’ll come back to us with smiles and some out of this world stories…
I wrote him again this morning and will keep trying. If I hear anything I’ll be sure to post an update. Hold good thoughts… ❤️
He’s also lost an artist from Ukraine. I’ve written him fairly recently, couple of weeks ago, but haven’t heard back from him yet.
I've contacted artist from Ukraine. Maxim from Maximus miniatures. He suffered bad from Ilya's dissapearance two years ago.

He has not received a dime for finished work. Ilya used to tell him that he has not received enough deposits to cover work that Max already did (not true) and convinced him to ship every item that Max had in his posession to Russia so that Ilya could sell it and pay Max. Needless to say nothing came out of it.

When Ilya recovers I'm not sure he will be able to clean this mess. At the very least he should pay his painter, they used to collaborate on a regular basis!
I’ve got a long letter from Ilya where he talks about what happened with him. He’s got a little different story to tell. I’m not there and I don’t know the dynamics of the relationship nor all of the in between conversations they’ve had with each other. I was going to post what Ilya wrote to me but don’t see the point in trying to argue. It’s pointless. I know a different story is all. I’ve been communicating with Ilya on a very personal level for years. I’ve never had any contact with with Maxim.
I’ve got a long letter from Ilya where he talks about what happened with him. He’s got a little different story to tell. I’m not there and I don’t know the dynamics of the relationship nor all of the in between conversations they’ve had with each other. I was going to post what Ilya wrote to me but don’t see the point in trying to argue. It’s pointless. I know a different story is all. I’ve been communicating with Ilya on a very personal level for years. I’ve never had any contact with with Maxim.
Please share. I think it is important for all the backers.
However, I wish you went public with this letter here and on FB a little earlier, I think you could've saved this mans reputation. Ilya's left his clients and his business partners in the dark for far too long. I saw posts across Scaletta, OSR and OSK branding him a scammer. I wish that did not happen. I wish Max and Ilya could make amends. They had a good partnership going, FYI Max and his studio worked on like 90% of scaletta prototypes.

Right now I'm not sure that Ilya can rectify the situation even if he really wanted to. Customs are not ready, his painter is stuck in a war torn country with unpaid commissions case, refunds are nigh impossible to process; I heard Russian banks were cut off from the rest of the world and USD/EUR were no longer allowed on deposits -> no refunds
I hear you. Sadly I wouldn’t feel very comfortable posting personal correspondence for the world to read. Even if it explains a lot, which it does, I can’t with good conscience post that letter.
I can’t save anyone’s anything as much as I might like to. It’s not for me to do that. I also wish that things would go back to a more normal way of life where we all can get along.
As for money, because of all the BS the US puts down the ruble dropped in value a lot. With what the exchange rate is he’d most likely never be able to pay back everything without having to pay several times over what it was back before the conflict in the Ukraine.
I have a lifelong friend who recently moved to Italy so if we can get the Russian and the Ukrainian on board I could help facilitate some shipments to the US cause as far as I know Russia isn’t able to ship packages overseas to us here in the states…
It’s a sad state of affairs. I know Ilya for going on 7 or 8 years plus now at this point. I know for a fact his life got turned upside down in the worst way possible when the war started as well as it did for Max. My heart goes out to everyone and will hope that here in the future we can start moving forward again.
Thank you for your posts. I appreciate it very much.
I've also had correspondence with Scaletta for a while after the war started, but haven't been able to get in touch with him anymore lately. I'm on the Delta Squad group and paid over $1200 for the full squad + Gregor. And while it sucks, I still have hope that he will make things right one day. He seems like a good guy sadly affected by a terrible situation. I've also read the comments from Maxim, and like @Mr.NoCredit said, there are always two sides of the story.