[Scaletta] GotG Ronan !FINAL PAYMENTS!

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I know we all like updates:) I`ll update when i will have something cool looking, for now i can upload couple of pics of a mess in our ofice;)))))) Hold on, be strong, epic things take time))) Check Lady Sif and imagine the metal Hammer:))))))

Stahy tuned:)
Yeah an update would be nice. I see you soliciting new projects, but there's got to be new stuff you can share on this one, right? Even in progress pics?

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I don't mind the wait at all, but in-progress pics are always fun to see, and double as reassurance that things are moving forward.
I said it before - i will update once i will have something on hands. And about "Yes. Kind of sort of pics of a hammer being molded. A month ago." yes, we are making something a little bit more complicated here that a head and pair of boots. I understand we all love pics, but i`m working and it can be called "boring in-progress" stage. So if some of you guys have not enough patience - ok, PM me and jump off the boat.

As for "reassurance that things are moving forward" - you have my word on it, i`m 100% sure i`m the one who`s making it, lol if it`s not enough - ok, check above:)

About the other projects - well yes, while this one is in progress i`m checking the interest on something i will produce in 2019, is that ok?
I don't think any of us mind the wait, Woodrob. That's not what anyone is saying. Nor is anyone questioning the complexity of the figure.

You may think the in-progress pics are boring, but it does help the waiting process, and you have a handful of your customers here stating that's something we'd like to see. Another picture of the headsculpt, more pictures of the parts being cast, etc. I find that interesting to see. Even if its not pictures, popping in to say "we're currently working on such and such piece of the figure" or "It's at such and such a stage right now" goes a long way toward easing the wait/maintaining excitment about the project.

Your customs are expensive, and while the craftsmanship does appear (I don't own one yet, but I hear good things) to warrant the cost , I don't think it's too much to ask for a more cordial response than "Be quiet or gtfo." Especially when we're kindly just asking for a simple update to a figure we're all excited about. :/
Exactly. Some of us are just interested in the process.

But if it’s “shut up or leave”....I guess I’ll shut up. (shrug)
"Be quiet or gtfo." that`s sure not what i mean)) We are typing, not talking in person, so i can`t see the difference sometimes. Some of the words can sound like "i`m interested" or "it`s taking so long, wtf" etc. More of it - it`s a huge band of you guys, sometimes i`m receiving PMs with "i paid in full, i want my figure now" lol etc. Some people just don`t or don`t want to understand we are moving step by step with our own rythm to make the result as good as possible.

As a collector i`m taking part in custom runs myself and sure i`m glad to see any tiny bit of a future figure, so yes, i feel what you`re saying. But after working for the last 4 years on figures myself, i can also see the picture from the inside. I`m calling it boring, because it looks like "ok, how many square bits Ronan`s skirt has? 32? Ok, 32*22=704. Clean-clean-clean-clean Sing a long" lolol Next thing i`m going to show - Ronan`s clothes. We already have 3 variants and now i`m working on final pants and pre-final shirt.

Every project has 4 stages - modelling/low res tests, printing, casting, painting. Colethes are in parallel. Modelling is fun, printing is fun and casting and preparing copies for a paint stage is the longest and supermega boring. Not because i say so, because you`re sitting in a trash all day, lol Takes a lot of time and always pretty silent on updates. So - clothes are next, paint WIPs after them and metal hammer led tests will be finished in parallel with master-model paint. That`s the schedule, stay tuned:)
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It`s cool, after all - we are making it all together, as a team, remember? These kind of things are impossible without all y`all but... 704 square parts on Ronan`s skirt... Does anyone remember old Lord of the Rings cartoon? Orcs "where is a rip there is a way" song lololol:)
Good deal. Yes things (tone) get lost in typed words sometimes.

Excited to see what next few months hold. I know it will be awesome. :duff