Ok, Im here, the real problem is simple, i take to much work, i try to keep the runs around 10 to 15 figures but I receive a massive request of figures in the forum and and other media like facebook even Lupita already start to receive request, the Ash project was the worst work nightmare i already have in all my time making figures, the complexity of the figure exceeded my ability as sculptor and designer and i was forced to learn new Working techniques, so all the project was a test and fail nightmare party, These problems were accompanied by several technical and quality problems in the ACI bodies , which led me even more delays because I had to order replacements for several defective bodies, this delay in turn affected the barrel project zombie, and a whole chain delays also were seasoned with some very complicated personal problems that accumulated in the last year (I do not consider personal problems as a valid excuse, because we all have them and we all have to deal with them but in this case is part of all this mess). I know my customer service and communication was crap lately, and if I know what the organization is business Rainman, but the reality is that Rainman is a team, and work with small factories and several artists, in my case We are talking about a team of two people, both of us we take care of sculpture, emptied of resin, paint clothing design, manufacture of clothing design arts, packaging and delivery of packages, and of course we also take care of communication (However bad it this is difficult) Read the post on the forum, and make new threads, reply to messages, take and post pictures, upload information and reply to messages on Facebook, it is something absurdly time-consuming, it is not something that just me take a few minutes as many imagine it is something that at least I removed several hours and could easily spend an entire day doing this alone. So I have to decide how to spend my time reading and answering messages or painting and putting together figures. I know this sucks because many people want to see updates constantly, or ask about things projeto dl or just be friendly and have a casual chat with me, which is no longer possible, the work I do requires a lot of concentration and I am a person extremely obsessed with details and this ocaciona that abstracts me deeply in the work, in fact I often lose track of time the hours and days sometimes do not tell me anything. At the moment I can not greatly improve communication, but fortunately Stiff and The Danger have offered to help me maintain some contact with you guys, but it is unfair to ask too much of them, although the two are very close friends, the communication that I have with them it is very limited.