Head sculpture [SouClaudio + Visceral Plastic] 'There Will Be Blood' - Daniel Plainview 'limited to 20' (SOLD OUT)

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Full view of sculpt (three hours of work, symmetrical (chin/jaw is incorrect here)):
1585203524935_Anotação 2020-03-25 231526-min.png
hey finwee, will a body and clothes be used for measuring casting size? Likeness to me is only 60% of the equation, the other 40% comes down to the sizing of the sculpt once it's casted, so that is important as well. So far the likeness is spot on.
hey finwee, will a body and clothes be used for measuring casting size? Likeness to me is only 60% of the equation, the other 40% comes down to the sizing of the sculpt once it's casted, so that is important as well. So far the likeness is spot on.
Robert Rahmier gave me the contact for the guy who prints his sculpt runs. One of the best guys out there for the job and I'm sure he will properly scale it.