tantive IV

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Seeing the little rough I finally understand the arrangement of those window bars, after all those years ... shame on me! :duh

Anyway, already looking great, really looking forward to this getting real ... go, dude, go!!

had to shrink to fit the diotower....nevertheless, having fun creating it.:)
that looks great.................i like the angle of the outside ring. i bet that was a bit of a pain to get right. i see epic in the making.....:lecture

sorry for the crappy pic....but just wanted you guys updated. I made a starfield with illumination from behind and boy what a effect!! The picture really doesn't do it justice.... but I'm really happy the way this turned out.
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That is just amazing. Really great work. I love everything about it. Congrats on having this in your collection and I cannot wait to see it finished.
Even though you had to reduce the scale of the window it really doesn't detract from just how excellent this is, even in its unfinnished state you have nailed the overall feel of the film set brought to life in 1:6th scale, WOW...

Bravo sir ,I love your work but you really out did yourself this time....