Full figure The Malcolm X Project (Full Set) Jacob Rahmier + Yunsil + DoggieDoc

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There was nothing J. Edgar Hoover feared more than a charismatic black “radical” who could inspire the oppressed to fight back. And because of this, Brother Malcolm’s death has the FBI’s fingerprints all over it.

The only time Malcolm X met Martin Luther King, Jr — in the US Capitol Building in March 1964 — he told King, “Now you’re going to get investigated.” The meeting took place a year before Malcolm’s death, during a time of intense travel and speeches, landmark civil rights legislation, and rampant government surveillance of both figures.

But while Malcolm joked about it to King, the degree to which various agencies were spying on the Nation of Islam’s most famous apostate escaped even him. Though frequently antagonistic, the relationship bore features of an unspoken collaboration that made each figure a better analyst of history and a more effective activist. It also kept FBI director J. Edgar Hoover up at night. He worried about a charismatic figure who might “unify and electrify the black nationalist movement,” let alone two black “radicals” working together.

On March 8, 1971 an anti-war activist group, the Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI, broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania where they discovered a cache of classified documents, many bearing the cryptic code “COINTELPRO.”

They leaked the documents to the press and on March 1971, The Washington Post ran a cover story on the vast program initiated by the FBI in 1956 to neutralize “suspicious” persons and organizations. Although initially formed to target the Communist Party U.S.A., it was quickly expanded to include a wide range of groups considered “subversive.” No segment had been as central to COINTELPRO operations as civil rights activists. A wider scope of the FBI’s actions, however, was not known until Congressional hearings 5 years later. What came to light was exceptionally chilling—seeped in its own racism, without any checks or balances, the FBI devoted more resources to harming the Civil Rights movement than any other task in its purview.

Therefore, I have included some of the declassified files that the FBI kept on Malcolm, as part of their attempt to prevent a “Black Messiah”, (a term coined by director J Edgar Hoover) from emerging.

“They called me 'the angriest Negro in America.' I wouldn't deny that charge. I spoke exactly as I felt. 'I believe in anger. Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.”

We suffer political oppression, economic exploitation and social degradation. All of 'em from the same enemy. The government has failed us. You can't deny that. Any time you're living in the 20th century, 1964, and you walking around here singing "We Shall Overcome," the government has failed you. This is part of what's wrong with you, you do too much singing. Today, it's time to stop singing and start swinging.” - Malcolm X

Those statements are as true today as they were back in 1964. Malcolm X was a product of the ghetto. He was the crystallization of the revolutionary impulse that permeates in the ghetto. He was an orator, organizer and administrator of remarkable ability. For these reasons, he is revered as one of the most consequential revolutionists in American history.

Here is a look at the beautiful evolution of the Malcolm X project.

Presale opens February 21, 2021
The Malcolm X Project

Here’s what you’ll be getting:

• Painted Head Sculpt by Jacob Rahimer or Hongmoon Noh
• Body and 2 sets of custom sculpted hands
• Black Suit Jacket
• Long White Sleeve Shirt
• Black Tie
• Black Pants
• Black Belt
• Black Socks
• Black Shoes
• Quran
• Prayer Rug
• His signature glasses
• Nation of Islam Ring
• M1 Carbine Rifle with Removable, Extended Clip (aka Banana Clip, as shown in the “By Any Means Necessary” photo by Ebony magazine, where he was looking out the window
• Classified FBI File (J Edgar Hoover was trying to prevent the rise of a “Black Messiah”, capable of uniting the people so he opened up a covert case on Malcolm)
• Portrait of Elijah Muhammad (3.5 x 2.5 in)
• Certificate of Authenticity
• Custom Box with Foam Insert

Please note: This project has 2 remarkable painters. Please specify which painter’s head sculpt you want when submitting your deposit.


Pricing and payment options:

* Price: $1850 USD + Shipping (for International Orders only) + PayPal fee (or send as family/friends to avoid this fee altogether)

*Shipping is free within the U.S.

* USA PayPal fee : 2.9 % of the total amount ($53 USD)

* International PayPal fee: 4.9 % of the total amount ($90 USD)

* The first sample of clothing is scheduled for May.


Option #1

* If you elect to pay in full in one payment, you’ll receive a discount of $100 USD. Your total would go from $1850 USD down to $1750 USD + Shipping (for international orders only) + Paypal fee (or send as family/friends)

Option #2

Payment Installment Option #1: READ CAREFULLY

* If you want to secure placement in the run on 2/21 and pay it off in three installments then the deposit is only $675 USD

* A second installment of $675 would then be REQUIRED by: May 15, 2021

* The third and final installment of $500 USD would not be due until the product is ready to be shipped.

Option #3

* If you want to secure placement in the run on 2/21 and pay it off in four installments then the deposit is only $450 USD.

* A second installment of $450 USD would then be REQUIRED by May 15, 2020

* A third installment of $450 USD would then be REQUIRED by Aug 15, 2021

* The fourth and final installment of $500 USD would not be due until the product is ready to be shipped.

Please note: the deposit is non refundable

My PayPal email address is [email protected]
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“The real names of our people were destroyed during slavery. The last name of my forefathers was taken from them when they were brought to America and made slaves, and then the name of the slave master was given, which we refuse, we reject that name today and refuse it. I never acknowledge it whatsoever.”

This is the second and final painted prototype of the Malcolm X project by HongMoon Noh. Please send me a message or leave a comment in this thread if you want this holy grail.

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I will be getting my deposit in shortly.

“The real names of our people were destroyed during slavery. The last name of my forefathers was taken from them when they were brought to America and made slaves, and then the name of the slave master was given, which we refuse, we reject that name today and refuse it. I never acknowledge it whatsoever.”

This is the second and final painted prototype of the Malcolm X project by HongMoon Noh. Please send me a message or leave a comment in this thread if you want this holy grail.

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Quick edit with glasses ? This project is a breath of fresh air! Can't wait to have a mini Malcolm on my shelf :D
Thanks for that! I am just waiting on the head sculpt to do the glasses prototype. I have a few of the other items in process but Pablo was actually first so I'm focusing a bit on that.
Great men influence great men and are in turn, influenced by great men. Socrates influenced Plato, Hegel influenced Marx, and Gandhi influenced Martin Luther King Jr. Great leaders also influenced the time in which they live and the people around whom they live. Along the same line, Malcolm X has the most impactful influence on black militant leaders and on the philosophy of black militancy.

More than any other person, Malcolm X was responsible for the new militancy that entered the movement in 1965. Malcolm X said aloud those things that Negroes had been saying among themselves. He even said those things Negroes had been afraid to say to each other. His clear, uncomplicated words cut through the chains on black minds like a blow-torch.

''Malcolm X was the first political person in this country that I really identified with,'' Huey P Newton said. ''If he had lived and not been purged, I probably would have joined the Muslims.

''As it is,'' Dr. Newton continued, ''his insistence that blacks ought to defend themselves with arms when attacked by police became one of the original points in the program of the Black Panthers.''

Looking good! Only thing I've noticed from images online is that his suits were loose/boxy on him, not as well tailored to the body as yunsil has made ^ ^


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Looking good! Only thing I've noticed from images online is that his suits were loose/boxy on him, not as well tailored to the body as yunsil has made ^ ^
Indeed. Most of the suits he wore in the 50’s appeared this way. However, his suits (as well as his physical appearance) started to change as we progressed into the 60’s and he was exiled from the Nation. Those changes manifested in the way he wore his hair, his growth of facial hair and also the modernization of his attire.

After closely examining the initial sample, and a variety of pictures of the suits Malcolm used in the 60’s, in addition to the keen observations from @Henrysharpo3791 regarding the fit, I had Yunsil make some adjustments and here they are.

The pants were widened and jacket width was stretched. The sleeve length of the jacket was also reduced by 3mm. I think this fit is a better reflection of the time and how Malcolm wore his suits towards the end of his transformation.

Please let me know what y’all think.
