For those who want to know what length our DKR cape is, here are a few pictures from the movie we based our cape length off.
we added a bit of a longer length on both sides of the cape for draping and posing purposes, but it really should be a shorter cape compared to The Dark Knight movie
Here is the fight scene, his cape barely touches the ground
Here is the Batcave scene, where his cape does NOT reach the floor
Here is when Cat-baby take him to see Bane, his cape is still above the ground
Although I believe Christopher Noland made multiple capes in the movie for different scenes.... on the building, his cape seems extremely longer than usual
Conclusion, our DKR cape is based on the short floor length with a little extra length to make it look more natural when posing..... :wink1:
- New Fabric with ext darker, int lighter
- floor length pattern
- new sewing line at the insert
- ready to install, plug and ready to show (for DX02 and DX12)
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