Payment sent for 4 pairs of shoes.
I forgot to say I'm glad you requested those modifications to the suits, especially Tubbs suit. It's hard to tell from the pics, does she have Crockett's breast pocket on the wrong side? Or is the actual photo of Crockett reversed?
On the modified Ace Rothstein shoes, was sculpey used to do that? Or something else?
Funds sent for suits plus x2 shoes.
Payment sent for Crockett & Tubbs outfits. Are the shoes painted?
How many more folks we waiting on until you can put the order in?
Still waiting on quite a few but I'll close this on June 30th and send the order in.
Still two slots short of making the Tubbs outfit happen so everyone who is interested please get those payments in. Cutoff is June 30th. Thanks.
Did Odell hit you with his? I know he mentioned on FB that he was getting in on it.