Revised sample from Uni:

Shoes payment received @BigWayne.Payment sent.
Payment received @Julie250Balance payment sent for outfit and shoes.
Thank you.
Payment received, thanks @BigWayne.Payment sent for balance of outfit. Thanks!
It’s all coming together - and it looks great
@DoggieDoc - Any updates on the accessories? I’d really love to see how they turned out and how much they’re going to cost. I know the framed picture was a challenge.
Understood and thanks for the clarification.Thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule to post the update. It is definitely appreciated.
Apologies if you construed this as a comparison to fan. That was never my intention. I put a great deal of effort into my word choice to try and make it clear that many of us were still shell shocked from all of the recent fan drama and we would be appreciative of an assurance. It was all about the timing - not about comparing you to fan. It should go without saying that you are a highly respected member of this community (but I just said it anyway).
Thanks again @DoggieDoc![]()