[CLOTHING BALANCE DUE NOW!!!] Mathilda by sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil

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Re: [TAKING HEAD/HANDS/BOOTS PAYMENTS] Mathilda figure * sdabbs/robbiethepainter/yuns

Hey all, bumping for payment for head, hands, and boots to Sean Dabbs. Let's show him how much we support this project and get those payments in so he can have the confidence and support he needs to start producing the gorgeous pieces he's created!

Pricing (unpainted) -

Headsculpt (bald) - $70
Headsculpt (bald sculpt w/2 interchangeable hairpieces, 1 w/hat, 1 without) - $80
Hand set (L+R relaxed, L+R trigger, R cigarette holding, R glass holding) - $35
Boots - $40

Send payments to - frankjaegeruk@gmail.com

Please include 4% PayPal fees or send as gift. Also include your SSF name and address in the notes.
Shipping and paintwork (if applicable) will be settled at a later date.

If anyone definitely wants these items but simply needs more time, please don't hesitate to PM myself or Sean (sdabbs), we just need to know how many are buying for sure to begin the process.

As always, a big thank you to everyone, from those that have signed up, to those that have sent payments already, it's appreciated more than you know. :)
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Re: [TAKING HEAD/HANDS/BOOTS PAYMENTS] Mathilda figure * sdabbs/robbiethepainter/yuns

Payment sent for head(bald with 2 hair peices),hand set and boots

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Re: [TAKING HEAD/HANDS/BOOTS PAYMENTS] Mathilda figure * sdabbs/robbiethepainter/yuns

Payment sent for head(bald with 2 hair peices),hand set and boots

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Awesome man, thank you so much! I'll mark you paid in the OP. :)
Re: [TAKING HEAD/HANDS/BOOTS PAYMENTS] Mathilda figure * sdabbs/robbiethepainter/yuns

payment sent, sculpt(both) hand and boots. check it.

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Re: [TAKING HEAD/HANDS/BOOTS PAYMENTS] Mathilda figure * sdabbs/robbiethepainter/yuns

Payment sent for one head
Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

I'm interested in all. Please sign me up
Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

just sent in payment for sculpt w/ hair/hat, hands, and boots. Would for sure be interested in having them painted if/when applicable.
Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

just sent in payment for sculpt w/ hair/hat, hands, and boots. Would for sure be interested in having them painted if/when applicable.

Okay, thank you for your payment, it's much appreciated! :)

If Mark isn't able to do more than ten sets because of his schedule, there's another very talented painter I've been in contact with that can help, so either way it shouldn't be a problem.
Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

Hi, is it too late to join for the Sculpt (w/both hair and hat pieces) with hands and boot along with the clothing set? Thanks
payment can be sent anytime. BTW, what body are you going for? Thanks
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Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

Hi, is it too late to join for the Sculpt (w/both hair and hat pieces) with hands and boot along with the clothing set? Thanks
payment can be sent anytime. BTW, what body are you going for? Thanks

No, it's not too late. :)

Pricing and payment info is in the OP for the sculpt set, hands and boots. He is ready to produce them, just waiting on payments.

I'm still taking $100 deposits for the clothing set by Yunsil as well, to secure a spot. She is supposed to have a finished sample sometime in the next couple of weeks.

For the body, after exploring all options, we decided to use the Star Ace Hermione body. That's the body everything will be tailored to and made for, although the clothing should fit nearly all teen sized bodies available. Sean will be developing a seamless chest/neck piece as well.

Go ahead and pay whenever you can and thanks for the support!
Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

Hi, Payment sent for both clothing deposit and the the Sculpt (w/both hair and hat pieces) with hands and boot set (with 4% pp fee added). Please check and confirm. Thanks
Also, it would be great if you can add me to the painted list. Thanks
Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

Hi, Payment sent for both clothing deposit and the the Sculpt (w/both hair and hat pieces) with hands and boot set (with 4% pp fee added). Please check and confirm. Thanks
Also, it would be great if you can add me to the painted list. Thanks

Awesome, I'll mark you paid up and put you down for wanting paint as well. :)

* Btw, you were number 35 to pay a deposit, which puts us at $260 per set for clothing! :rock2
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Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

awesome. Thanks
Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

Payment sent for Sculpt (w/both hair and hat pieces), hands and boot (with 4% pp fee added).

Please check i did it right.
Re: [CALLING FOR PAYMENT - SCULPT/HANDS/BOOTS] Mathilda set (Léon) * sdabbs/robbie/yu

I will send my payment for head,boots and hands next week!thanks

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