(Cult King) One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest: R.P. McMurphy

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Super Freak
Jul 18, 2014
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"How about it? You creeps, you lunatics, mental defectives? Let's hear it for Bull Goose Randle back in action"

One Flew Over The Cult King's Nest anyone?


As per the recent vote in the wish list thread, Cult King are considering bringing to life the Beanie wearing, basketball playing, bus robbing, Juicy Fruit chomping, Jack Nicholson faced, leader of The Feebs Brigade himself:

R. P. McMurphy, the counter-culture icon from the '70's classic 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.*


We're talking Jack Nicholson here people, in his greatest role, from an all time favourite movie of millions. If you're not interested then you need locking up (whether you fight and f##k too much or....you're Gandhi. Doesn't matter).*

If (like me) you would dearly love to see this character given his due in dainty 1/6 form then, please, express your interest and ideas for possible expressions, outfits and accessories etc here.*


Come on:*"Which one of you nuts has got any guts?"
Re: (Cult King) Goddamn Marvel Of Modern Science (McMurphy)

If you added up all the times I have asked for this figure in a wish list, there would be enough for Denny to start right now. Interested? Sure, why not.
Re: (Cult King) Goddamn Marvel Of Modern Science (McMurphy)

This outfit should be the regular version.


The white scrubs with laughing sculpt can be the DX.
If we can only get one sculpt then I would like the above pic but with a smirk.
Re: (Cult King) Goddamn Marvel Of Modern Science (McMurphy)

am I the only one worried about the last couple of iminime releases not living up to par? especially road warrior? I would love this as well, but just worried is all...color me interested.
Re: (Cult King) Goddamn Marvel Of Modern Science (McMurphy)

Subscribed. (Interested.)

Caine has done an excellent sculpt for Bates82, who started a thread saying he might make casts available. But Bates82 has dropped out of sight. No word on whether he'll offer castings, but the sculpt is done so if he resurfaces it could happen.

The sculpt is here.
Re: (Cult King) Goddamn Marvel Of Modern Science (McMurphy)

Subscribed. (Interested.)

Caine has done an excellent sculpt for Bates82, who started a thread saying he might make casts available. But Bates82 has dropped out of sight. No word on whether he'll offer castings, but the sculpt is done so if he resurfaces it could happen.

The sculpt is here.

That is a great looking sculpt.

I agree that the clothing should be the leather jacket with the blue jeans and the blue shirt, plus beanie.
Re: (Cult King) Goddamn Marvel Of Modern Science (McMurphy)

am I the only one worried about the last couple of iminime releases not living up to par? especially road warrior? I would love this as well, but just worried is all...color me interested.
It's a bit of a crap shoot, and has been going back to the beginning (Rainman's Ra's and Lector sculpts were subpar in the eyes of some). But better to have him give it a shot than no one doing it at all. I doubt Rainman's "ear whisperer's" are going to lobby for a guy like this. Deniro Frankenstein? Very possible.
Re: (Cult King) Goddamn Marvel Of Modern Science (McMurphy)

Subscribed. (Interested.)

Caine has done an excellent sculpt for Bates82, who started a thread saying he might make casts available. But Bates82 has dropped out of sight. No word on whether he'll offer castings, but the sculpt is done so if he resurfaces it could happen.

The sculpt is here.

I don't know what happened with that one. Seemed to die a death very quickly. The sculpt by Caine looked great though.

Marlindesign also had a Cuckoos Nest project in the works, but that fell by the wayside as well.

I've even begun boring the #### out of myself banging on about McMurphy in wish lists etc, so if this a real chance to finally get the figure made (to a high standard) then I want to try and force it through. That's the reason I offered to start the interest list after Denny requested someone to do so. Purely self-interest on my part.

I'm guessing it's gonna take a lot more than the few we've got onboard so far though.