[CULT KING] *** REAL FICTION *** figures

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Yes, the RM figures were far from sub-par, apart from Jules shoes and head IMO, and even his sculpt has a charm. The suits are better than any other suit we're likely to get, frankly. And that's no knock on Iris, but Yunsil is the best there is at what she does. And the detailing on Jules' chain, Vince's shoes, the guns, the Big Kahuna cup--all beautiful work. If you haven't seen Rainman's work in person, you don't realize how truly nice they are.
yea i woul not call the previous releases of jules and vince sub par. in fact I think Vince is an amazing figure, the hair is my only issue. I will most likely just be going for the head sculpts here.
I've got Yunsil's work in hand. It's great. But sorry, the head sculpts on both figures was sub-par. I'm not telling anyone else not to like them, but they're not sculpts I would ever feature in my collection at any price. They don't compete even with the lowest priced and lowest quality stuff I own.

Now, I'm interested in this new set because the sculpts are going to be much better, proper likenesses. Really looking forward to them. I don't have these two characters in my collection yet and I'm looking forward to it.
Mia was also sculpted by Joy Snyder who still offers her plus two versions of Vincent, Jules and Butch. The detail looks nice on the sculpt that was shown , but the proportions are off. It looks like someone made a cast of Trevor Grove's Guy Pearce sculpt and sculpted Vega's hair style on it. Everyone seems to see these things differently. Buy what you like and support the artist you like and bring to the collectors what they are looking for.
For me, if the likeness isn't there, then there's no need to bother with anything else. The likeness in what's been shown in this thread so far is superb.

Totally agree with the first part of your statement.
Yes, the RM figures were far from sub-par, apart from Jules shoes and head IMO, and even his sculpt has a charm. The suits are better than any other suit we're likely to get, frankly. And that's no knock on Iris, but Yunsil is the best there is at what she does. And the detailing on Jules' chain, Vince's shoes, the guns, the Big Kahuna cup--all beautiful work. If you haven't seen Rainman's work in person, you don't realize how truly nice they are.

Given the fact that Iris blew Yunsil's bill out the water and the young capo set the suit on that was beautifully tailored I wouldn't put any bets on the tailoring being anything but the best!
Thats right!!! Yeaaaaa

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Given the fact that Iris blew Yunsil's bill out the water and the young capo set the suit on that was beautifully tailored I wouldn't put any bets on the tailoring being anything but the best!

I actually prefer Yunsils over Iris's bill outfit. Although the cut is improved on the jacket and vest the material used by Iris is nowhere near the same quality fabric used by Yunsil. Iris's looks and feels cheaper.
Also, do you actually think that the iris outfit would compete with what Yunsil could do if she revisited that outfit again? Blow Yunsil out of the water....nah.

I'm sure this offering is going to be great especially for those who missed out or weren't around for Rainmans. The only realistic improvement would honestly be just Jules. Rainman's Vince is on the Money. The new suits and accessories.....we'll have to see and I hope something original is offered with this, I would hate to see a copy of the dork clothes or something like that.
The only thing that concerns me is that the clothing material for the Goodfellas figures was like parachute pants material, very disappointed. If this is the direction they are going with their clothing material choices, it would be a huge letdown for these two figures and any others that are in the pipeline.
Goodfellas - I really thought that the material suited the suits from the film... I was happy with them for these particular figures. The shoes need a look at though - they are a cheap feel and look. CK would benefit for having them done properly for their figures.
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i really hope he doesn't do mia as a trio only. that would be a huge mistake I think, there's tons of people who are happy with RM vince and Jules, and would want mia to complete that collection.
Iris' Bill coat is too tight fitting. There. I said it. The color and design is awesome but its a bit short and way too tight if we're talking about screen accuracy. Also it is very thin, almost too thin and cheap feeling like Turbo stated. But i do love iris' take on the outfit, and the rest is superior i would agree (pants, shirt, vest, sash). But I would definitely not go as far as to say "blew it out the water". Both hold their advantages.

Mia would be kickass - Id really like to see her tackled. Bring it on mr. X !!

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